Information technology and archives: Map of Moscow of the end of the XVIII century is digitized for the Russian State Military Historical Archive
ELAR Corporation converted into electronic view the map of Moscow of the XVIII century for the Russian State Military Historical Archive (RGVIA).
"In RGVIA there are unique sources on the history of architecture and urban planning, as well as the rich collection of maps, plans, schemes, rekognostsirovok, the visual filming, - says Deputy Director of the Archive Natalia Gordeeva. - Plan of the Imperial Capital City of Moscow by engineer A. Gorikhvostov, scanned by ELAR, is very demanded by modern architects, restorers and historians. They are in use and will provide high-quality electronic copy of the document".
"General Plan of Moscow", drawn up in the Office of Land Survey under the direction of engineer Major General A. Gorikhvostov, became the basis for "the Commission on the structure of St. Petersburg and Moscow", founded by Catherine the Great. Actually, this urban map was the main instrument for the improvement of the Russian capital in the project of those years.