Libraries and society: 2nd World Professional Forum "The Book. Culture. Education. Innovations" in Republic of Crimea
The Second World Professional Forum "The Book. Culture. Education. Innovations" ("Crimea-2016") is held in Sudak (Republic of Crimea) June 4-12, 2016.
The Forum includes:
- Twenty Third International Conference “Libraries and information resources in the modern world of science, culture, education and business”. Topic 2016: “Libraries and Education: Role of digital resources”.
- The Second Museum Assembly "To preserve traditions, to implement innovations".
- The Xth International Symposium “Universities of Culture and Arts in the Global Education Space”.
World professional forum for leadership and staff of libraries, publishing houses, book trade and book distribution businesses, museums, archives, information centers, universities, colleges, computer and Internet companies, for business, law, scientific, cultural, and educational institutions.
The Second Museum Assembly main focus will be «To preserve traditions, to implement innovations»; this will comprise the following subject areas:
- Memorial and literary museums;
- Libraries in museums and museums in libraries;
- Museum informatization: digitization of museum pieces, national museum collection catalog, and virtual museums;
- Libraries and museums in the single information and cultural space.
Within the framework of the Assembly, the major Moscow and regional museums will share their knowledge and experience in the latest museum technologies, museum pedagogy, and popularization of museum services.
Master-class «Building Virtual Museum» will be held: famous researchers and competent professionals in museum informatization will introduce participants to the methods, technologies and software to design virtual museums, tours, and quests.
At the Exhibition of library, information, publishing and computer products participants will find useful and helpful information for themselves and their organizations.