Culture and authority: The state report on the state of Russian Culture in 2015 is published

7 September 2016

On the official website of the Ministry of Culture of Russia is placed State report on the state of culture in the Russian Federation in 2015.

The document reflects the processes taking place in the culture of the country, it contains an important analytical and statistical information. This makes it possible to carry out a systematic analysis of the state of culture, identify trends in its development, identify problems and ways to solve them.

In addition, the report can serve as a basis for determining the priority directions of the state policy in the sphere of culture, including the development of action plans for the implementation of federal and regional programs, as well as the development of proposals for the improvement and development of the regulatory and governance in the field of culture.

The document, consisting of 17 chapters, considers the basic directions of the state cultural policy. This is, including the preservation of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia, state support of art and folk art, the development of a common cultural and information space of the country, increasing the availability of cultural goods for the population.

In addition, the report addresses the issues of improving the system of art education and science in the field of culture, the regulatory framework, investment policies, promotion of Russia abroad and the development of relations with compatriots.