Memory of the World: The exhibition to the 60th anniversary of the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite in St. Petersburg
March 6, 2017 in the main building of the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg) starts running the exhibition Mapping Division, dedicated to the beginning of space exploration, and dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the launch of the first satellite.
Day of the space age of mankind (4 October 1957) is proclaimed by the International Astronautical Federation. On this day in the USSR was Implemented successfully launched the world's first artificial Earth satellite.
The exhibition tells the history of mapping of the celestial bodies, and presents various exhibits: from figurative etchings of stage sightings to modern image based on remote sensing data.
The first part of the exposition "The abyss was opened, full of stars…" reflects the development and importance of astronomical research.
The second part of the exhibition "The beginning of the space age" demonstrates publication with pictures of the Earth from space.
The exhibition includes maps, atlases, and copies of the most valuable materials. The exhibition is opened with Prints "Globus heavenly ilk of celestial sphere…", composed by foreign sources and published for educational purposes in 1707. The publication is one of the first major works of the first map of the Russian Civil printing Basil Kipriyanov. The map shows the celestial hemisphere from 1880 stars of all sizes, placed at the corners of the world circuit systems Ptolemy, T. Brahe, R. Descartes. For the first time in Russia is published a diagram of the heliocentric system of the world by Copernicus, as well as a brief description of each verse of the above systems. The outlines of the constellations in the form of mythological figures are side by side with portraits of scientists and images of astronomical instruments.
Title Page and maps «Systema Mundi tychonicum ...» (diagram of a system for T. Brahe peace and D. B. Riccioli), «Systema solare et planetarium ...» (diagram of the heliocentric system of the world with the image of zodiacal constellations) presented atlas of the German astronomer and mathematician cartographer Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr «Atlas Coelestis in quo Mundus Spectabilis ...» (1742). This collection of 30 astronomical tables includes descriptions of cosmological systems of N. Copernicus and T. Brahe T, graphic movements of the planets and map the lunar surface.
From the latest works it is worth mentioning "Atlas of Phobos", compiled in the Integrated Laboratory studies of extraterrestrial territories MIIGAiK and published in 2015. It is a unique mapping edition which has no analogues in the world. Its structure, as a scientific reference system, includes descriptions of technologies, methodologies and research findings of Russian scientists’ research. In the preface to the Atlas it is noted that it can be used for planning future missions to the Martian satellite.
The organizers are confident that the submissions will be interesting to both the professional and amateur astronomers.
The exhibition will be running at the exhibition site and in the reading room of the Department of Cartography till 17 April.