Memorable dates of Russia: The All-Russian conference "Actual problems of national history: to the 100th anniversary of the revolutionary events of 1917 in Russia" in Simferopol
June 5-9, 2017 The Museum of Contemporary History of Russia (Moscow) and the Central Museum of Tauris (Simferopol) hold the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of National History: to the 100th Anniversary of the Revolutionary Events of 1917 in Russia" within the framework of the XVIII Tavrichesky Scientific Readings.
Plans for presentations and discussions on the following areas:
• Revolution of 1917, Civil War - interpretation of events and consequences a hundred years later;
• Keepers of historical memory. Archives, museums, libraries - a review of stock collections, the identification of unknown and poorly understood sources;
• History in the regional dimension: Crimea 1917-1920 - features of socio-economic, cultural life;
• Russian emigration and its role in the preservation of cultural heritage;
• Revolutionary turmoil and the fate of the national culture;
• "Controversial" topics in the museum exposition - presentation and perception.