Distinctive language features of M. Y. Lermontov
Distinctive language features of M. Y. Lermontov
Russian language at school. G. 3 1938, [No.] 3
Russian language at school. Moscow, 1936-.
G. 3 of 1938, [No.] 3. 1938.
G. 3 of 1938, [No.] 3. 1938.
РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена
- Modern studies
Ontology of the name in the works of the writers-Arzamasians, A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov
Afanasyeva, Elmira Maratovna (Candidate of Philological Sciences, 1971-). The ontology of the name in the works of the Arzamas writers, A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov. Moscow, 2014.Poetics of dialogue and communication problems in the prose of Alexander Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov
Yukhnova, Irina Sergeevna (doctor of philological sciences). Poetics of dialogue and problems of communication in the prose of Alexander Pushkin and M. Yu. Lermontov. Nizhny Novgorod, 2011.
Виноградов В.В. Язык Лермонтова. С. 35-63 [сканы 37-65].