General studies
General studies
Intertextual signs of Soviet proto-text in modern Russian prose and strategy of their translation into English
Aidanova, Julia Faizievna (Candidate of Philology). Intertextual signs of the Soviet proto-text in modern Russian prose and the strategy of their translation into English. Omsk, 2012.
Typological and genre features of elite magazines about the art of the beginning of the XX century.
Astashkin, Anton Grigorievich (Candidate of Philology). Typological and genre features of elite magazines about the art of the beginning of XX century. Ekaterinburg, 2013.
Motives and images of power in the artistic and journalistic text of the 1920s
Babkin, Sergei Vadimovich (Candidate of Philology). Motives and images of power in the artistic and journalistic text of the 1920s. Saratov, 2012.
Russian literary collection of the mid-XX-early XXI century as a whole: almanac, anthology
Bazhenova, Victoria Viktorovna (Candidate of Philology). Russian literary collection of the mid-XX-early XXI century as a whole: almanac, anthology. Novosibirsk, 2010.
Dialogue of secular culture and the Church in Russia XIX-XX centuries: literary forms, historical stages
Balakshina, Yulia Valentinovna (PhD). Dialogue of secular culture and the Church in Russia XIX-XX centuries: literary forms, historical stages. St. Petersburg, 2016.
Creativity A. White and Vyach. Ivanova in the aspect of Russian theurgic aesthetics
Barabash, Roman Iosifovich (Candidate of Philology). Creativity A. White and Vyach. Ivanova in the aspect of the Russian theurgic aesthetics. Moscow, 2014.
"Russian News": socio-ethical aspect of journalism 1900-1918.
Bogdanova, Elena Mikhailovna (Candidate of Philology). "Russian News": socio-ethical aspect of journalism 1900-1918 gg.Saint Petersburg, 2013.
Local government censorship in 1953-1966 Gg.
Vinogradov, Mikhail Sergeevich (Ph.d.). Local government censorship in 1953-1966 Gg Cheboksary, 2012.
The phenomenon of mass culture in the perception of Russian symbolists of the late XIX - early XX century
Volzhenina, Ekaterina Viktorovna (candidate of historical sciences). The phenomenon of mass culture in the perception of Russian symbolists of the late XIX - early XX century. Moscow, 2015.
Tatar social and political thought in the literature and journalism of the late XIX-early XX centuries.
Gali, Bulat Talgatovich (Doctor of Political Science). Tatar social and political thought in the literature and journalism of the late XIX-early XX centuries. Kazan, 2009.