Territory of Russia: Multimedia exhibition "Miracles of Russia" in the State Historical Museum
July 10, 2017 in the State Historical Museum (Moscow) is opening a unique multimedia exhibition "The Wonders of Russia". The audience will see about a hundred natural and architectural objects that entered the final list, compiled on the basis of the results of the nationwide voting conducted by the Rossiya television channel, the “Mayak” radio station and the “Izvestia” newspaper.
The exhibition presents both little-known natural landscapes and masterpieces of architecture, as well as world-famous such as Lake Baikal, the palace and park ensemble in Peterhof, the valley of geysers on the Kamchatka peninsula.
The project aimed at identifying the most beautiful places in Russia was initiated by the newspaper “Izvestia” in cooperation with the “Mayak” radio station and the Rossiya television channel in 2007. In 2008, as a result of a nationwide vote, 7 Wonders of Russia were selected:
• Posts of weathering Man-Pupu-ner in the Republic of Komi
• Peak Elbrus in Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria
• Lake Baikal in Buryatia
• Valley of Geysers on Kamchatka Peninsula
• Mamayev Kurgan, the monument "Motherland"
• The monument of the palace and park art "Peterhof", Saint-Petersburg
• St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow
However, the voting list was much larger and numbered about one hundred objects - both natural and architectural. For example, the Putorana Plateau in Siberia, the Caucasus dolmens, Lake Baskunchak, the marble canyon of Ruskeala in Karelia, the "Pole of Cold" in Yakutia, the Klyuchevskaya volcano volcano, the Tobolsk Kremlin, the Ivolgin datsan in Buryatia, the ancient Arkaim settlement in the Chelyabinsk region and the much more.
Visitors of the multimedia exhibition "Miracles of Russia" will make an unforgettable "tour" in the most interesting corners of the country. Fine photos, rare archival materials, animated images on huge screens and a painstakingly thought-out "route" will create a special atmosphere of presence and impression of this journey.
The exhibition "Miracles of Russia" is timed to the Year of Ecology, therefore the goal of the organizers was not only to show the country's extraordinary natural resources, but also to attract the attention of viewers to the problem of preserving and protecting these places.