The Krasnoyarsk Krai State Universal Scientific Library held the event on the occasion of the 205th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino
On September 7th, 2014, dedicated to the 205th anniversary of the heroic Battle of Borodino event took place in the remote access center of the Presidential Library, working on the basis of the Krasnoyarsk Krai State Universal Scientific Library. The participants of the event were offered a chance to get familiar with some materials of the Presidential Library about this heroic period of Russian history: in particular — about Russian-French relations shortly before of 1812, the confrontation between two great emperors, Napoleon and Alexander I, the Russian army of those years and its legendary generals.
The events of September 7, 1812, which showed all the heroism of the Russian people in the fight against the invaders, a warfare art of Russian generals, the faith and love of the soldiers to their native land was in the focal point of the occurrence. Special attention of the participants in the event was drawn into the memories of the witnesses of the battle. So, Ivan Petrovich Liprandi wrote: “…at the end of this battle, no one of the participated in it Russian fighters did not realize himself in it defeated… Everyone was only by vexed, if not more, with the fact that, as they just learned, already announced next day’s attack was canceled and all troops were ordered to continue retreating to Mozhaisk.”
The meeting’s participants were introduced to the materials from the collection of the Presidential Library entitled The Patriotic War of 1812, as well as invited to the screenings dedicated of documentary movies about the war of 1812 (Borodino. The Battle of Giants, Shevardino redoubt).
The cooperation of the Presidential Library with the Krasnoyarsk Krai has been developing since 2011. An agreement on cooperation with the Krasnoyarsk Krai was signed on June 16, 2011. On April 11, 2011 — an agreement on cooperation with the Siberian Federal University, on December 20, 2012, — an agreement on cooperation with the State Archives of the Krasnoyarsk Krai, and finally on May 17, 2013, — on cooperation with the State Universal Scientific Library of the Krasnoyarsk Krai.
There is an electronic collection on Krasnoyarsk Krai: pages of history on the Presidential Library website. The collection contains the official documents, studies, essays, reference and statistical publications, cartographic materials, archival documents and sound recordings, all reflecting the history of reclaiming and certain aspects of development of the territories now being part of the Krasnoyarsk Krai.