Note the hetman of the Moscow war London published Pavel Alexan. Muhanovym

Stanisław Żółkiewski (CA. 1547-1620).
Note the hetman of the Moscow war London published Pavel Alexan. Muhanovym. -2-nd Edition. -Saint Petersburg: typography Ed. Praca, 1871. -XII, 130, [2] s., STB. 306, [1] s.; 26 cm. -
STB. 305-308 wrongly labeled: 303-306.
Title in 1-m publication: Manuscript Society.
Bibliography and footnotes in the text. -Index: STB. 285-306.-copy library of St. Petersburg State University e. e. Zamyslovskogo.
I. Mukhanov, Pavel Aleksandrovich (1798-1871). 1. People (collection). 2. Power (collection). 3. Archeographical Commission (collection). 4. overcoming Troubles in Russia (collection). 5. "time of troubles"-Reviews of foreigners-Memories, notes, etc. 6. Polish and Swedish intervention in Russia-17 in-Memories, notes, etc.
BBC 63.3 (2) 44-303ju14
BBC $a 63.3 (2) 44-681ju14
Electronic copy source: BOP
The original storage location: Spbsu
Publisher типография Эд. Праца
Catalogue object