The system of Cossack self-government in the framework of the Russian statehood on the example of the Zaporizhzhya Steeper in Se...

Kondriko, Andrey VasilyevichThe system of Cossack self-government in the framework of the Russian statehood on the example of the Zaporizhzhya Steeper in Ser.XVII - con.XVIII centuries.: Abstract dis.... candidate of historical sciences: 07.00.02 / Kondriko Andrei Vasilyevich;[Protection site: Mosk.Stateoblastun-t].- Moscow, 2015. -23 s .. -.1. People (collection).2. Power (collection).3. Territory (collection).4. Domestic history.BBK 63.3 (4ukr) 5-283.31Y031BBK 63.3 (4ukr) 5-334Я031BBK 63.3 (2) 5-33Я031Electronic source: MGOU.Website
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