A letter of valid member of the Society of History and Antiquities of the Russian, K. Kalaydovich to N.N.Bantysh-Kamensky, about...

Kalajidovich, Konstantin Fedorovich (1792-1832).A letter of valid member of the Society of History and Antiquities of the Russian, K. Kalaydovich to N.N.Bantysh-Kamensky, about publishing state Russian diploma and contracts.- Moscow: in typography N.S.Vsevolobggo, 1814. -75, [2], 18 - 19 p.: IL.;4 ° (25 cm).-GravCutter."This letter was written a few days before the death of Nikolai Nikolayevich [Bantice-Kamensky] and they are supported supporting" (see Note. Auth. On p. 19).On tit.l.Gravin fig.F. Tikhmenov depicting a soldier and a Cossack, holding a wreath with the monogram "H" and the inscription: Summer 1812 Eternal Returns.Cents: N.E.Cherepanov, 9 Nov.1814Stroke.Note.Auto"Letter" is a review on the book.: Meeting of state diplomas and treaties stored in the state collegium of foreign affairs.- Part 1. - M.: Type.Vsevolozhsky, 1813 .. - The consolidated catalog of the Russian book 1801-1825..I. Cherepanov, Nikifor Evtropievich (1762-1823).II.Tikhmenov, f..1.Bantysh-Kamensky, Nikolai Nikolaevich (1737-1814).Electronic copy source: RGB
Publisher В типографии Н.С. Всеволожскаго

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