Remarks on the processing of our general doctrine of law

Rennenkampf, Nikolai Karlovich (1832-1899).
Comments on the processing of our general doctrine of law: (On the subject of the legal dogmatics of Professor Kapustin and critical articles by Prof. Nezabitovsky): Article 1 / [Prof. Rennenkampf]. - [Kiev]: Univ. type., [1869]. -25 s. ; 25. -
Author. at the end of the text.
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Ott. from "Univ. Izv." 1869, No. 1. - Without the tit. l. and the region
I. Nezabitovsky, Vasily Andreevich. The theory of law. (Legal dogmatics). Kapustin, Mikhail Nikolaevich.
Source of electronic copy: RSL
Location of original: E 41/96
Publisher Унив. тип.