Commercial dictionary, containing knowledge of the goods of all countries, and the names of things of the main and newest, relat...

The dictionary is a commercial, containing knowledge of the goods of all countries, and the names of the main and newest things related to commerce, also to the houseworking, knowledge of art, needlework, factories, ore cases, paints, spicy potions, herbs, expensive stones, and so on./ Translated from French Language Vasill Levshin.- Moscow: Type.Comp.Type PhotoR., 1787-1792.- 8 °.-The basis of the "Dictionary" Cost.Art., selected.From "Dictionnaire Universel De Commerce" J. Savary des Bruslons.In some cases, Art.From "Encyclopedie, Ou Dictionnaire Raisonne Ndes Sciencees, Des Arts Et Des Metiers" D. Diderot and J. D'Alembert.In text and notes.V.A.Leftin introduced a lot of information related to objects Rus.Prom-and trade.SK XVIII..I. Savari de Bruck, Jacques (1657-1716).II.Levshin, Vasily Alekseevich (1746-1826).III.Didro, Denis (1713-1784).IV.D'Alber, Jean Lerone (1717-1783).Electronic copy source: RGBPart 2: G. D. E. J. Z. I. - 1789. -496 s .. -.Electronic copy source: RGB
Publisher Тип. Комп. типогр.

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