Description Jubilee of D.I. Ilovaysky. - [Moscow: type. THEM. Mashistova, 1908]. -11 s. ; 24. - In the note: "This report was abridged by us in No. 261 of the Moscow Gazette." A circle of admirers. " Without tit. l. and the region . I. Ilovaisky, Dmitry Ivanovich (1832-1920). Source of the electronic copy: PB Publisher Т-во типолит. И. М. Машистова Catalogue object Россия в кон. XVII в. Collections Russian People → Persons of Russia → Scientists. Scientists, teachers, inventors → I → Ilovaisky Dmitry (1832–1920) → Dmitry Ilovaisky (1832–1920) → Life and career → Anniversaries → 50th anniversary of scientific activity