Collection of laws and regulations of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, publishe...

Collection of laws and regulations of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, published by the Office of Affairs of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Council of Labor and Defense. - [Moscow: Soviet Legislation]
August 3, 1935 № 38. Dep. 1. - [1935]. -577-584 с .. -
Contents: Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.): 320. On the state plan for the development of livestock for 1935 in the Kara-Kalpak ASSR. Decisions of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars: 321. On the modification of the tariff for social insurance contributions. 322. About responsibility for infringement of an industrial and technical discipline in the conditions of work in explosive manufactures. Decisions of the Council of People's Commissars: 323. On approval of rules for consideration and permission by the bodies of the State Arbitration of property disputes of collective farms. 324. About distribution of the decision of SNK of the USSR from May, 23rd, 1934 about the order of long-term industrial crediting of collective farms on fish-breeding commodity farms of agricultural collective farms.
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher Советское законодательство]

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