Proletarian court. 1926 No. 23-24. December (1-31)

Proletarian Court: Organ Mosk. gubzud. - Moscow: B. and., 1926. - .
I. Moscow Province Court.
Source of the electronic copy: PB
1926 No. 23-24. December (1-31): Two weeks. body Mosk. gubsud: Year 5. - [Type. "Workers' newspaper"], 1926. -32 pp. -
Contained: To the question of the application of social protection measures / B. Zagorje. Census of 1926 and the fight against crime / V. Khalfin. Art. 156 of the Criminal Code and managers of safety technology at enterprises / A. Zakharov. On the preparation of public prosecutors / N. Lagovier. To the question of termination of cases in the civil process / Dundin, [and others].
. -3500 copies. .
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher [Тип. "Рабочей газеты"]

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