The Presidential Library hosted a webinar devoted to the 405th anniversary of the reign of the House of Romanov

20 March 2018

The Presidential Library hosted a webinar dedicated to the 405th anniversary of the House of Romanov. The Romanovs were able to make a huge contribution not only to the Russian, but also to the world history.

At the webinar it was marked that the dynasty was able to lead Russia along a complex path of progress, taking into account the traditions, history and level of development of the people. In their reports, speakers largely relied on the materials of the electronic collection of the Presidential Library "The House of Romanov. Zemsky Sobor of 1613", which now includes more than 1000 items of storage. Most of the materials on this topic were published in 1913, to the 300th anniversary of the dynasty. Among them - a rare edition of P. Andrianov "Three centuries under the scepter of the reigning house of the Romanovs" and a short historical essay by L. Golovko "Rus’ and the house of Rurik, Russia and the house of the Romanovs".

The materials, which are available on the Presidential Library portal, tell about the formation of the dynasty, its eminent monarchs and the fateful decisions they made, and give historical information about the Romanov princely house of the Rurik people preceding it. These books were printed, as Luka Vasilievich Golovko writes, "to enable the literate population to get familiar with the history of the Russian state from the time of its inception and the more consciously it should be to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the now prosperous reign of the House".

At the webinar, the events of the late XVI - early XVII century, called the Time of Troubles, were analyzed in detail; they became for the Moscow kingdom, according to the historian V. Klyuchevsky, a terrible shock that shook the deepest of its foundations. Russian people called the last years of the Troubles "the great disruption of the Moscow state", and their contemporaries-foreigners - "Moscow tragedy."

The books and documents of the thematic collection of the Presidential Library tell us about this difficult period in the history of our state, about overcoming the Troubles and the personality of the people elected by the people of the Presidential Library: "The Great Time of Troubles of the Russian Land" by O. Volkenstein, "The Reign of Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich and the View of the Interregnum" by V. Berkh, "The election of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to the kingdom" by D. Tsvetaeva and many others. A. Belkovsky writes in the digitized study "The First Tsar of the House of the Romanovs. Mikhail Feodorovich", “Mikhail was young, when "all ranks people" proclaimed him a tsar ... The newly-elected tsar with his moral purity and cleanliness in the sins of the troubles attracted a common love. The will of the Russian people of that time could only submit to such a husband who, according to his moral merits, suited the general penitential mood".

In the book "On Russia under the Power of the House of the Romanovs to the Unity of Peter the Great" A. Weidemeyer, known for his historical accounts of the tsarist people of Russia, considers the period from the Time of Troubles to the reign of Emperor Peter I. A special place in the review of the specialists of the Presidential Library was occupied by the reign of Catherine the Great, who lasted more than three and a half decades, from 1762 to 1796. Translated historical work "Around the Throne" by the Polish-French historian Casimir Valiszewski today is one of the most complete and fascinating stories about the companions and favorites of Catherine the Great, their influence on the history of Russia.

The webinar showed slides with the most important documents reflecting the life and state activities of the dynasty. The fate of the Romanovs after the October Revolution of 1917 was tragic. In 1918-1919, seventeen members of the imperial family were murdered in Yekaterinburg, Alapayevsk, Perm, St. Petersburg; together with the whole family Nicholas II was shot. The rest of the Romanovs were in exile.

The tragic fate of the Romanovs after the February Revolution of 1917 is dedicated to a separate section of the collection "The House of Romanovs. Zemsky Sobor of 1613", posted on the portal of the Presidential Library. Another section "Memory of the Romanovs" tells about memorable places, monuments and works of literature and art associated with the imperial name.