Check and calculated books of the Arkhangelsk branch of the Bank for the current account N.V.Tchaikovsky

Tchaikovsky Nikolai Vasilyevich, participant in the revolutionary movement of the 1870s, Creator of the Society "Tchaiktsev", a member of the Party of Socialist Revolutionaries, Head of the Supreme Department of the Northern Oblast,.Check and calculated books of the Arkhangelsk branch of the Bank for the current account N.V.Tchaikovsky [Case]: 1919. - 1919. -49 l .. - (Foundation Tchaikovsky Nikolay Vasilyevich, participant of the revolutionary movement of the 1870sThe Provisional Government of the Northern Region, a member of the South-Russian government under the general A.I. Denikin. 1850-1926 .. Inventory No. 1).I. Tchaikovsky, Nikolai Vasilyevich.II.National Bank.Arkhangelsk branch.Electronic Source: PBPlace of storage of the original: GA RF.F. R5805.Op.1. D. 282.

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