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Russian Geographical Society.West Siberian department.Notes of the West Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society.- KN.1-38.-Omsk, 1879-1916.-Title: kN.39 (1927) - notes of the West Siberian Department of the State Russian Geographical Society;1964, T. 1 (40) - Notes of the Omsk Department of the Geographical Society of the SSR Union.Publisher: Typography of the district headquarters..1. Russian Geographical Society.West Siberian Department - History - Periodicals.2. Territory (collection).3. Domestic serial and continuing editions (collection).4. Siberia Western - Description and Travel - Periodicals.5. Siberia Western - History - Periodicals.6. Siberia Western - Geography - Periodicals.BBK 26.89 (253.3) y54BBK 63.3 (285.3) 522Я54BBK 63.3 (285.3) 534Y54Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: Russian Geographical SocietyT. 38: Dedicated to Gregory Nikolayevich Potanin on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of his life (1835 22 / IX 1915).- Electro-type."Printed Art", 1916. - [2], xi, 284 p.: Il., Table .. a substrateNote..I. Potanin, Grigory Nikolaevich (1835-1920).Electronic Source: PB