A.I. Guccov in the Third State Duma

Guccov, Alexander Ivanovich (Polit. Worker; 1862-1936).A. I. Gulcov in the Third State Duma: (1907-1912): (Speed ​​Corriktor).- St. Petersburg: Tiography of Association A. S. Suvorin - "New Time", 1912. - [4], 248 p.;19 cm -Preface publisher..I. Russia.The State Duma.Convening (3) .1.Guccov, Alexander Ivanovich (1853-1930) - speeches, performances, etc. 2. Russia.The State Duma.Convening (3) - speeches, performances, etc. 3. State Duma in the history of Russian statehood (collection).4. Power (collection).5. People (collection).BBK 63.3 (2) 533-33Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: Donskaya GPB
Publisher типография товарищества А. С. Суворина - "Новое время"
Catalogue object