Materials for the history of the Pugachev revolt, collected by S.S. Krasnodubrovsky. 1. Archive of the Astrakhan spiritual consi...

Krasnodubrovsky, Stepan Semenovich (1860-).
Materials for the history of the Pugachev revolt, collected by S.S. Krasnodubrovsky. - Saratov: Type. Lips. Zemstvos, 1889. - 24 cm. - (Proceedings of the Saratov Scientific Archive Commission) .
1. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: Gd Franco
1: Archive of the Astrakhan Spiritual Consistory. - 1889. - [2], 47 s .. -
Bibliography. in a substring. Notes .. - Perepech. from vol. 2 for 1889. "Works" of Sarat. scientist. arch. commis .. - Ex .: without obl., with donations. inscription to Archimandrite Michael (Misha Gribsky) from the author.
I. Michael (Archimandrite (Mikhail Gribsky)). II. Gribsky, Mikhail. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: Gd Franco
Publisher тип. Губ. земства

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