Collection of statistical information on the Tauride province.T. 8. Statistical information about the economic situation of the ...

Collection of statistical information on the Tauride province / Sost.Stat.Bureau Tavr.lips.Zemstvo;[Society.ed.and preface.K.A.Werner].- Simferopol: Tavr.lips.Zemstvo, 1885-1889.-10 t .;26-32 cm. -2 vol.1st t. M..I. Werner, Konstantin Antonovich (1850-1902).II.Tauride provincial Zemstvo Statistical Bureau.1.Territory (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: Bd FrancoT. 8: statistical information about the economic situation of the Yalta County.- ed.Tavr.lips.Zemstvo, 1887 (region 1888).- [6], II, [2], 48, [2], 30, 14, 22, 25 s.: Tab .. -On the regionHound: statistical information on the Yalta district and school tables of the Berdyansky county.On add.Tit.l.Stall: statistical a substrateNote..1. Territory (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: Bd Franco
Publisher издание Таврического губернского земства
Catalogue object