The legends of the Russian people, collected by I. Sakharov.T. 1, Prince.1-4

Sakharov, Ivan Petrovich (archaeologist, folklorist; 1807-1863).The legends of the Russian people collected by I. Sakharov: [t.1-2].- Edition 3rd.-Sank-Petersburg: Printing House of Sakharov, 1841-1849.-2 t.;25 cm. -.1. Russian folklore.2. Russia - history - in Russian folklore.BBK 63.3 (2) -75ya44BBK 82.3 (2 = 411.2) Y44Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: UrFUT. 1, Prince.1-4.- 1841. - [22], 82, [4], 128, [4], 276, [4], 82 p.: silt .. -Contains: I. Russian folk literature;II.Russian folk warlock;III.Russian folk games;IV.Russian folk riddles and parables;V. Russian folk reports;VI.Russian folk songs;VII.Epics of Russian people;VIII.The word about the regiment Igorev;IX.The word Daniel of the sharpener;X. The legend of the invasion of Batu on Russian land;XI.The legend of Mamaev Battle.- instance UrFU: without cover, with handwritten litter..1. Russian language (collection).2. People (collection).3. The year of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia (collection).4. Russian folklore.5. Old Russian literature - monuments.6. Russia - history - in Russian folklore.BBK 63.3 (2) -75ya44BBK 82.3 (2 = 411.2) Y44Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: UrFU
Publisher типография Сахарова
Catalogue object