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Kemerovo Region: Pages of History
1 June 2017
The collection features research papers, statistical materials and archival documents of the second half of the XIX – early XX century, defining the administrative, socio-economic, demographic and ethnographic status of Mariinsky and Kuznetsky Uezds, the territory of which is now the territory of modern Kemerovo Region.
Кемеровская область: страницы истории
Stavropol Territory: pages of history
1 June 2017
The collection contains official documents, in particular the current Charter of Stavropol Territory, as well as the Laws of the State Duma of Stavropol Territory on the coat of arms and flag of the region. In addition, the collection includes studies, essays, reviews and reports, archival documents, visual materials that spotlight certain aspects of the socio-economic, socio-political and cultural development of Stavropol Territory in the 18th – second half of the 20th centuries.
(«Памяти героини долга сестры милосердия Риммы Михайловны Ивановой») в контексте региональной истории...Ставропольский край: страницы истории
Kostroma Region: pages of history
1 June 2017
The selection includes archaeological, geographical, historical, statistical, demographical and ethnographical materials covering Kostroma Governorate and the town of Kostroma of 17th - early 20th century, as well as the Statute (Basic Law) of Kostroma Region of modern times.
Костромская область: страницы истории
Kaliningrad Region: pages of history
1 June 2017
Featured collection includes the studies, official documents, and audiovisual materials of the XX-XXI centuries, reflecting the administrative and socio-economic state in the territories currently belonging to the Kaliningrad Oblast. The effective Charter (Basic Law) of Kaliningrad Oblast is also presented.
Калининградская область: страницы истории
Bryansk Region: pages of history
1 June 2017
The selection includes the research works, essays, reports, archival documents, maps, plans, albums of photographs, showing some aspects of the administrative, socio-political, socio-economic and cultural development of the Bryansk Region during the period of the XII−XX centuries. The effective Charter of Bryansk Region is also included.
Брянская область: страницы истории
Volgograd Region: pages of history
1 June 2017
The selection includes researches, essays, memories, archival documents, official statistic collected works and reviews, as well as minutes of uyezd Zemstvo meetings covering history, archaeology, economy, demography and military-administrative development of the territories of the 13th – 20th centuries which now compose the Volgograd Region (former Tsaritsyn and Kamyshin districts of Saratov Governorate).
Волгоградская область: страницы истории
Irkutsk Region: pages of history
1 June 2017
The collection includes studies, essays, archival documents, statistical, visual and audio materials covering the administrative, socio-economic and socio-political development of the Irkutsk region in the 17th - the first third of the 20th century. There is also the current Statutes of the Irkutsk region.
Иркутская область: страницы истории
Kirov Region: pages of history
1 June 2017
The following selection includes source study, statistical, ethnographic, cartographic and other materials that present the history of Kirov Oblast - Vyatka Governorate and the town of Kirov - Vyatka between 12th - 19th cc.
Кировская область: страницы истории
Novosibirsk Region: pages of history
1 June 2017
The selection includes books, periodicals, archival documents and graphic materials revealing various aspects (geographical, administrative and territorial, economical, etc.) of history of Novosibirsk region in the period of 18th – early 20th centuries and the current Statutes of Novosibirsk Region.
Новосибирская область: страницы истории
Orenburg Region: pages of history
1 June 2017
The collection includes research works, archival documents, photographs, maps and plans covering the geographical, socio-economic, political and other aspects of the history of the Orenburg Region in the period of the 13th - early 20th centuries. The Charter of Orenburg Region is also available.
Оренбургская область: страницы истории
Perm Territory: pages of history
1 June 2017
The selection includes researches, essays, statistic materials and archival documents covering administrative, socio-economical, demographic and ethnographic situation of the Perm Territory in the end of the 18th – early 20th centuries, as well as the current Statute of the Perm Territory.
Пермcкий край: страницы истории
Tula Region: pages of history
1 June 2017
The collection includes official documents, archival materials, studies, essays, statistical, reference, cartographic, visual and other materials, which spotlight the administrative structure, geographical position, demographic, economic, socio-political, socio-cultural and other aspects of development of Tula Region in different historical periods.
Тульская область: страницы истории
Ulianovsk Region: pages of history
1 June 2017
The selection includes researches, essays, statistic and other materials and archival documents of the end of the 18th – early 20th centuries covering the administrative, socio-economical, socio-political and demographic situation of the Ulianovsk Region. There is also the current Statutes of the Ulianovsk Region.
Ульяновская область: страницы истории
Republic of Kalmykia: pages of history
1 June 2017
Featured collection includes the studies, official documents, statistical, cartographic and audio records of the XIX-XXI centuries, reflecting the political, administrative and socio-economic situation in the territories currently belonging to the Republic of Kalmykia. The effective Steppe Code (Constitution) of the Republic of Kalmykia is presented as well.
Республика Калмыкия: страницы истории
Сhechen Republic: Pages of History
19 July 2024
This collection includes official documents, research papers, essays, archival materials, cartographic data, and pictorial works that reveal the history and culture of the Chechen Republic and its people from ancient times to the present day.
Чеченская Республика: страницы истории
Память России: День памяти и скорби
22 June 2010
Указом президента РФ от 8 июня 1996 года, 22 июня — день начала Великой Отечественной войны — объявлен Днем памяти и скорби. В этот день на территории страны приспускаются Государственные флаги Российской Федерации.
— объявлен Днем памяти и скорби. В этот день на территории страны приспускаются Государственные флаги... и в Белоруссии.
22 июня в 4 часа утра в разных уголках России тысячи людей зажгли свечи в память... о погибших в Великой Отечественной войне. Акция, посвященная Дню памяти и скорби, прошла в Москве, Санкт... наступивших суток и до рассвета прошла «Вахта памяти», посвященная 69-й годовщине начала Великой... начальник Управления Министерства обороны РФ по увековечению памяти погибших при защите Отечества... — объявлен Днем памяти и скорби. В этот день на территории страны приспускаются Государственные флаги Российской Федерации.
...Память России: День памяти и скорби
Конкурс «Наш регион: избранные страницы истории»
«Наш регион: избранные страницы истории».
Итоги конкурса, призванного показать наиболее значимые источники...: избранные страницы"
Протокол заседания Экспертного совета конкурса "Наш регион: избранные страницы истории"
...Конкурс «Наш регион: избранные страницы истории»
The history of the Great Victory illustrated on the pages of newspapers and magazines
13 January 2020
January 13 marks the Day of Russian Press, which has more than three hundred years of history. On this day in 1703, in Moscow, by decree of Peter the Great, the issue of the first Russian printed newspaper Vedomosti was published.
Президентской библиотеки можно полистать страницы оцифрованных номеров газет «Ленинградская правда... с территории нашей родины. Наше дело правое. Враг будет разбит. Победа будет за нами». На этой же странице... миллионов»…
В номере, датированном 1 января 1942 года, в самые страшные дни блокады, на страницах газеты... командир Красной Армии и партизан. На следующей странице поясняется, что нарисовано на обложке: «После... и танкист-гвардеец…» На этой же странице опубликовано стихотворение Е. Трутнева «Победа за нами...История Великой Победы – на страницах газет и журналов
Jewish Autonomous Region: Pages of History
1 June 2017
The collection features official documents, research papers, essays, photographs and other materials, defining the geographic, socio-economic, socio-political and cultural aspects of the history of the formation of Jewish Autonomous Region in the 1920s-1930s and its development in the early XXI century.
Еврейская автономная область: страницы истории
Kabardino-Balkar Republic: pages of history
1 June 2017
Featured collection contains the historical and geographical studies, archival documents, photographs and audio materials, revealing the socio-economic, socio-political and cultural development of the Kabardino-Balkar Republic during a period of the XIX−XXI centuries. The effective Constitution of the Kabardino-Balkar Republic is also included.
Кабардино-Балкарская Республика: страницы истории
Donetsk People's Republic: Pages of History
1 June 2017
The collection is dedicated to the history of Donetsk People's Republic - a subject of the Russian Federation, which lands since the second half of the 18th century were part of the Russian Empire as a historical region of Novorossiya, then in the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Republic, Donetsk province, and from 1932 - Donetsk Region of the Soviet Union. On September 30, 2022 Donetsk People's Republic reunited with the Russian Federation.
Донецкая Народная Республика: страницы истории
Lugansk People's Republic: Pages of History
1 June 2017
The collection marks the history of the Lugansk People's Republic, which was proclaimed in April 2014 and recognized by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 21, 2021. Official documents (decrees, laws and regulations), archival sources, statistical information, manuscripts of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society as well as cartographic and visual materials revealing the historical stages of the existence of the republic starting from the 18th century, when its...
Луганская Народная Республика: страницы истории
Republic of North Ossetia-Alania: pages of history
1 June 2017
Selection includes the archival documents, historical studies, current author's abstracts, documentary movies, audio recordings, postcards and photographs that reflect the administrative, socio-economic, socio-political and cultural development of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania in the period of the second half of the VII − the early XXI centuries. The effective Constitution of the Republic of North Ossetia–Alania is presented as well.
Республика Северная Осетия - Алания: страницы истории
Regions of Russia: “Priceless pages of history” of Tatarstan
30 August 2009
Kazan holds the festive events, dedicated to the Day of the City and Republic. The photo-exhibition “The capital. History and the present”.
«Бесценные страницы истории» с концертной программой, ярмаркой ремесел, детской игровой площадкой...Регионы России: «Бесценные страницы истории» Татарстана
Ancient pages about the history of modern Leningrad Region
1 August 2021
The village of Staraya Ladoga is located 130 kilometers east of St. Petersburg, in Leningrad Region, in the lower reaches of the Volkhov River. Until 1704 it had the status of a city called Ladoga. Ladoga was the first "window to Europe" for the Eastern Slavs, a key port city on the great waterways, including the famous from the Varangians to the Greeks. This city witnessed the birth of the Russian state.
Древние страницы истории современной Ленинградской области