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“We’ll change a machine for a rifle…”: The Beginning of the Great Patriotic War

22 June 2019
June 22 is the Day of Memory and Sorrow, when the whole country remembers the victims of the Great Patriotic War – those, who were killed in battles, captives, who were tortured by fascists, those, who died of starvation ... The Presidential Library’s electronic collections spotlight the reaction of Russian people to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, which broke out 78 years ago, on June 22, 1941 and became a watershed and a landmark event in the modern history of the world.
производительность, строить корабли ещё быстрее. По первому зову... мы сменим станок на винтовку...«Сменим станок на винтовку…»: как началась Великая Отечественная война

Андрей Константинович Нартов (1693–1756)

британцем Генри Модсли. Нартов занимался не только усовершенствованием станков и токарным делом... разработал конструкцию и создал первый в мире токарно-винторезный станок с механизированным суппортом...». В это время Нартов разработал и построил ряд механизированных станков для копирования барельефов..., Голландию, Францию и Англию для совершенствования в токарном искусстве и «приобретения знаний в механике... и математике», а по возвращении из-за границы поручил ему заведовать своей токарней, которую тот

Peoples of Russia: Exhibition "Art of Bone Carving of Chukchi Craftsmen in the 1930s - 1950s" opened in Saint-Petersburg

12 January 2021
The Russian Ethnographic Museum opened the exhibition "Art of Bone Carving of Chukchi Craftsmen in the 1930s - 1950s", which will run until January 31, 2021. It is the first event in a series of small exhibitions devoted to arts and crafts of the Siberian Arctic peoples. The exposition "Arctic - an Inhabited Land" presents rarely exhibited items. They introduce to the world of Arctic hunters and reindeer breeders of Chukotka- the first Russian region which meets the sunrise.
животных на токарном станке расширили возможности мастеров в создании менее статичной мелкой пластики

Fun facts from Peter the Great’s life in the electronic collection of the Presidential Library

9 June 2017
June 9, 2017 marks the 345th anniversary of the birth of the first Russian emperor Peter I. There is an extensive collection on The House of Romanov. Zemsky Sobor (Assembly of the Land) of 1613, one section of which is dedicated to a reformer of Russia and a founder of St. Petersburg, on the Presidential Library website.
книг, а также верстак и токарный станок». Во время вынужденной ссылки при правлении царевны Софьи

“Blazing in the fire of ideas”: The Presidential Library spotlights the 165th anniversary of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

17 September 2022
The Presidential Library handles the memory of Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky with care by publishing and expending its portal’s collection of rare publications, dedicated to the life and work of the founder of Russian cosmonautics, his works on the theory of air and star navigation, rocket science, astronomy, physics, biology, as well as philosophical and sci-fi works.
книги, отдалившие его от «житейской пошлости». В возрасте 14 лет Циолковский сделал токарный... станок. Немногим позднее «устроил» коляску, которая ходила «во все стороны» и «против ветра». Деньги

"To forward mankind by little". Dreams of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

17 September 2020
September 17 (5, according to the old style) marks the 163rd anniversary of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. He was born in the village of Izhevskoye near Ryazan and originates from an old Polish noble family. Tsiolkovsky reminded about his parents in his autobiography, given in the book of Yakov Perelman: "Father is a liberal Pole (from Volyn) with a difficult character, but very honest. He suffered poverty all life through. Mother is Russian, with "spark", as my father used to say. My father had a...
и конструировал различные приборы и устройства – астролябию, токарный станок, самодвижущуюся паровую коляску

Teachers and mentors of Peter the Great

5 October 2022
Emperor Peter the Great possessed extensive knowledge, skills and abilities in various fields – scientific, military and others. He was never tired of learning anything circumstances required and his astute mind anticipated. What explains this inexhaustible desire to acquire new knowledge? Is this a natural feature of an inquisitive mind, or is this a result of education and training with firmly mastered discipline skills?
, малярных и переплётных, а также верстак и токарный станок. В пятнадцать лет он уже владел

The Presidential Library: common features among Peter I and Alexander Pushkin

9 June 2022
In June, with a difference of 127 years, two people came into this world. Their names glorified our Fatherland. They were both Great ones and both First ones. They were Peter the Great, the first Russian emperor and Alexander Pushkin, the first poet of Russia.
на полтавском поле, на ассамблеи, к токарному станку, в Сенат… Восхищаясь гением Петра, Пушкин