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Honest, extensive and cheerful Maslenitsa (Butter Week) described by Russian writers
10 March 2019
“There is no holiday more attractive, more varied and more delightful than the folk Maslenitsa in St. Petersburg”, - writes Alexander Vlasyevich Tereshchenko, ethnographer of the first half of the 19th century in his book “The Life of the Russian People” posted on the Presidential Library’s portal, - evening balls, masquerades and twice a day theaters. At home, like during Christmas holidays, pacing disguised, but there is noisy and tireless hospitality everywhere. On Sunday evening, Maslenitsa...
её в некоторых местах катаньем на санях почти до полночи».
Честная, широкая, весёлая...Русские писатели – о честной, широкой, весёлой Масленице
Internet and culture: The Metropolitan Museum launched unique Internet project for kids
12 October 2015
The Metropolitan Museum (USA) launched a unique Internet project for children #MetKids. Now little art lovers have their funny website of the museum, created for kids.
. Теперь у маленьких любителей искусства есть свой весёлый сайт музея, созданный для детей и вместе с ними.... Теперь у маленьких любителей искусства есть свой весёлый сайт музея, созданный для детей и вместе с ними.
History and Culture: Exhibition “Happy New Year!” opened at Izmailovo, Moscow
1 January 2019
“Happy New Year!” exhibition has opened at Izmailovo Small Exhibition Hall, Moscow State Museum-Reserve Complex. In the spotlight of the exhibition are joyful New Year celebrations, Christmas tree toys and gifts. The New Year theme has always been very popular and attracted interest of different visitors, regardless of age, gender, or social status. The exhibition showcases household items dating from the second half of the 20th century, which revive the atmosphere of noisy, crowded, but often...
«Измайлово», открылась выставка «С Новым годом! С новым счастьем!», посвящённая весёлым новогодним... на территории «Измайлово», открылась выставка «С Новым годом! С новым счастьем!», посвящённая весёлым новогодним праздникам, ёлочным игрушкам и подаркам.
Tsar Maslenitsa – in the Presidential Library rare materials
14 February 2018
This year’s Maslenitsa week begins on February 12. Whatever Maslenitsa was called among the people - "honest", "broad", "merry", "binge". "Although I lay down everything with myself, but spend Maslenitsa" – according to this proverb seven Maslenitsa days were held for everyone, regardless of age and rank. Details of how one of the most colorful holidays in Russia was celebrated by its rulers can be found by referring to digital copies of unique publications available on the portal of the...
– «честная», «широкая», «весёлая», «разгульная». «Хоть с себя всё заложить, а Масленицу проводить... – «честная», «широкая», «весёлая», «разгульная». «Хоть с себя всё заложить, а Масленицу проводить
History and Culture: "On a Butter Week. Shrovetide Celebration and Agricultural Ritual" presented in Saint-Petersburg
1 March 2020
The State Museum of the History of Religion (Saint-Petersburg) hosted an exhibition, devoted to Shrovetide - noisy and cheerful holiday of farewelling winter and meeting spring. In most Christian countries, Shrovetide is celebrated before the Great Lent. It showcases lithographs, linocuts, watercolors, postcards, printed silk scarves and statues from the State Museum of the History of Religion collection.
, заканчивает свою работу выставка, посвящённая шумному и веселому празднику провода зимы и встречи весны... блина праздник и получил свое название.
Масленица на Руси – это самый весёлый и сытный семидневный..., заканчивает свою работу выставка, посвящённая шумному и веселому празднику провода зимы и встречи весны