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Commander and folk hero. The Presidential Library portrays Alexander Suvorov

24 November 2022
Alexander Suvorov entered Russian and world history as one of the greatest military leaders. He went from a guards soldier to a generalissimo, he participated in seven major wars of the Russian Empire and he did not lose a single battle as a commander. Thanks to his intelligence, talent and courage to make decisions, the Russian Empire was able to defeat all the invaders, win several wars and significantly expand its borders. He was awarded all the famous Russian orders of that time. Suvorov's...
с намерением отдать его юноше. «Государыня! Не возьму, – сказал ей почтительно Суворов, – закон... должности дежурного при главнокомандующем, полковника, затем командира полка. Первые боевые шаги

Memorial Day for soldiers who fell during the Crimean War of 1853-1856

9 September 1855
On September 9th, the Memorial Day for soldiers who lost their lives during the Crimean War (1853–1856) is celebrated. To show respect for those who gave their lives, the national flag of the Republic of Crimea will be lowered and a black ribbon will be attached to the flag pole. This day, on August 28th (September 9th), 1855 marked the end of the heroic 349-day defence of Sevastopol.
; падаль валялась на каждом шагу… слышались в то же время и вопли раненых, и карканье хищных птиц, целыми... было неутешительно. Оно и сбылось». Много сил Н. И. Пирогов отдал организации военно-медицинской службы в осаждённом
