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Mikhail Sholokhov and the truth of the "Quiet Flows the Don" suffered by him - in the Presidential Library collections
21 May 2018
May 24, 2018 marks the 113th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov (1905-1984), an outstanding writer of world renown. The Presidential Library portal contains little-known materials that reveal the identity and scale of Sholokhov's personality, the depth of the problems he developed in the literature. The electronic collections include lifetime editions of the writer's works, literary studies of his work, picturesque and photographic portraits.
им в литературе проблем. В электронном фонде библиотеки имеются прижизненные издания произведений писателя... им в литературе проблем. В электронном фонде библиотеки имеются прижизненные издания произведений писателя
History and Culture: The VIII Roman Cyril and Methodius Readings are held in Italy
5 February 2018
From February 5 to 9, 2018, the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, with the support of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Rome and the University of Florence, is holding an international scientific conference - the VIII Roman Cyrill and Methodius Readings, devoted to topical problems of studying Slavic bookishness and Slavic languages. February 5-7, the meetings will be held in the "Russian House" in Rome, February 8-9 - in Florence.
Кирилло-Мефодиевские чтения, посвящённую актуальным проблемам изучения славянской книжности... Кирилло-Мефодиевские чтения, посвящённую актуальным проблемам изучения славянской книжности
Maintenance works on the Presidential Library's portal
6–8 May 2020
The Presidential Library is engaged in upgrading the software of the Internet portal and other means of access to the digital collections to improve the methods of remote work with users. During the work, a short-term decrease in productivity and problems with access to the documents of the collections are possible. Upon completion of works, the portal will be operated normally. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
производительности и проблемы с доступом к документам фонда. После окончания работ портал будет функционировать... к цифровому фонду. В ходе работ возможны кратковременное снижение производительности и проблемы
The Presidential Library spotlights the history of family relations
15 May 2020
Every year on May 15, the world celebrates International Day of Families. It was established in 1993 at the initiative of the United Nations General Assembly in order to draw public attention to the problems families face. All over the world, conferences, meetings and seminars dedicated to this date discuss issues related to the respectful attitude of relatives to each other, equality of spouses, children's rights, etc.
общественности на проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются семьи. Во всём мире на конференциях, собраниях и семинарах... появилась лишь 27 лет назад, проблемы семьи волновали народ испокон веков. В истории многих стран... общественности на проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются семьи. Во всём мире на конференциях, собраниях
Leo Tolstoy was the same philosopher of the school as Pestalozzi, Montesquieu, Comenius
9 September 2019
September 9, 2019 marks 191 years since of birth of Leo Tolstoy, a world-famous genius Russian writer who subordinated several generations of readers in Russia and abroad to his spiritual influence. The extensive electronic collection “Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910)” gives an opportunity to understand the contradictions of this powerful personality.
же выдвигает две основные проблемы философии. Вся деятельность Толстого представляет не что иное... же выдвигает две основные проблемы философии. Вся деятельность Толстого представляет не что иное
The results of the VIII St. Petersburg International Education Forum are summed up in the Presidential Library
31 March 2017
The conclusions of the VIII St. Petersburg International Education Forum are being drawn today, on March 31, 2017, in the Presidential Library. As the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva stated, the forum’s objective is to discuss the main problems of current education system in terms to improve it, to maintain dialogue and to share experiences between representatives of different countries and regions of Russia.
форума – обсуждение основных проблем современного образования, совершенствование системы... дошкольного образования. По словам Ольги Васильевой, на сегодняшний день удалось решить проблему с местами....
О проблемах дошкольного образования в своём выступлении рассказала заместитель... Ольга Васильева, основная задача форума – обсуждение основных проблем современного образования
The Great Patriotic War: How it Began. The Presidential Library tells about the History of the Defence of the Brest Fortress
22 June 2024
On Sunday, June 22nd, 1941, Nazi Germany and its allies attacked our country with an unprecedented force: 190 divisions, more than 4,000 tanks, 47,000 guns and mortars, approximately 4,500 aircraft, and up to 200 ships. In total, there were more than 5 million people involved in this attack, according to the collection of documents and materials from the Presidential Library entitled 1941: Documents and Materials: the 70th Anniversary of the Beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The Great...
Увидеть кадры пограничных сражений и обороны Брестской крепости позволяют фрагменты кинохроники... Коммунистической партии Белоруссии от 25 июня сообщалось об организационных проблемах, возникших на фронте