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The School of American Ballet.Advanced Men's Class
THE SCHOOL OF AMERICAN BALLET. Advanced Men's Class / Rosalie O'Connor...THE SCHOOL OF AMERICAN BALLET. Advanced Men's Class...THE SCHOOL OF AMERICAN BALLET. Advanced Men's Class Rosalie O'Connor...THE SCHOOL OF AMERICAN BALLET. Advanced Men's Class...THE SCHOOL OF AMERICAN BALLET. Advanced Men's Class
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The School of American Ballet.Advanced Girls Variation Class
THE SCHOOL OF AMERICAN BALLET. Advanced Girls Variation Class.
THE SCHOOL OF AMERICAN BALLET. Advanced Girls Variation Class / Rosalie O...THE SCHOOL OF AMERICAN BALLET. Advanced Girls Variation Class...THE SCHOOL OF AMERICAN BALLET. Advanced Girls Variation Class Rosalie O`Connor...THE SCHOOL OF AMERICAN BALLET. Advanced Girls Variation Class...THE SCHOOL OF AMERICAN BALLET. Advanced Girls Variation Class
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A commentary on the systems Which has been Advanced for Explaining the Planetary Motions
Burney, James. A commentary on the systems which have been advanced for explaining the planetary motions. London : Printed by Luke Hansard & Sons, 1819.
Burney, James
A commentary on the systems which have been advanced...A commentary on the systems which have been advanced for explaining the planetary motions...A commentary on the systems which have been advanced for explaining the planetary motions By James Burney, esq. of the royal navy, and FRS...A commentary on the systems which have been advanced for explaining the planetary motions...A commentary on the systems which have been advanced for explaining the planetary motions
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English Exercises, Adapted to Murray's English Grammar
Murray, Lindley. English exercises, adapted to Murray's English Grammar. London : For Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1814; York : For Darton and Harvey; Edinburgh : For Wilson and sons.
Murray, Lindley
English exercises, adapted to Murray's English Grammar...English exercises, adapted to Murray's English Grammar...English exercises, adapted to Murray's English Grammar Consisting of - exercises in parsing; - ins...English exercises, adapted to Murray's English Grammar...English exercises, adapted to Murray's English Grammar
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Russia's Railway Advance Into Central Asia
Dobson, George. Russia's Railway Advance into Central Asia. London : W.H. Allen & Co., 1890; Calcutta.
Dobson, George
Russia's Railway Advance into Central Asia : Notes of a journey...Russia's Railway Advance into Central Asia...Russia's Railway Advance into Central Asia Notes of a journey from St. Petersburg to Sam...Russia's Railway Advance into Central Asia...Russia's Railway Advance into Central Asia
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Key to the Exercesses Adapted to Murray's English Grammar
Murray. Key to the exercises adapted to Murray's english grammar. London : For Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1812; York : For Darton and Harvey; Edinburgh : For Wilson and son.
Key to the exercises adapted to Murray's english grammar : Calculated...Key to the exercises adapted to Murray's english grammar...Key to the exercises adapted to Murray's english grammar Calculated to enable private lea...Key to the exercises adapted to Murray's english grammar...Key to the exercises adapted to Murray's english grammar
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On amendments to the rules for applying subscriber terminals of mobile radiotelephone communication networks of the LTE standard and its modification LTE-Dvanced, approved by order of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated 06.06.2011 No. 128
О внесении изменений в Правила применения абонентских терминалов сетей подвижной радиотелефонной связи стандарта LTE и его модификации LTE-Advanced, утвержденные приказом Министерства связи и массовых коммуникаций Российской Федерации от 06.06.2011 № 128.
подвижной радиотелефонной связи стандарта LTE и его модификации LTE-Advanced, утвержденные приказом... и его модификации LTE-Advanced, утвержденные приказом Министерства связи и массовых коммуникаций... связи стандарта LTE и его модификации LTE-Advanced, утвержденные приказом Министерства связи...иотелефонной связи стандарта LTE и его модификации LTE-Advanced, утвержденные приказом Министерства связи и мас... связи стандарта LTE и его модификации LTE-Advanced, утвержденные приказом Министерства связи...иотелефонной связи стандарта LTE и его модификации LTE-Advanced, утвержденные приказом Министерства связи и мас
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On amendments to the rules for applying subscriber terminals of mobile radiotelephone communication networks of the LTE standard and its modification LTE-DVANCED, approved by order of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated 06.06.2011 No. 128
О внесении изменений в Правила применения абонентских терминалов сетей подвижной радиотелефонной связи стандарта LTE и его модификации LTE-Advanced, утвержденные приказом Министерства связи и массовых коммуникаций Российской Федерации от 06.06.2011 № 128.
подвижной радиотелефонной связи стандарта LTE и его модификации LTE-Advanced, утвержденные приказом... терминалов сетей подвижной радиотелефонной связи стандарта LTE и его модификации LTE-Advanced... связи стандарта LTE и его модификации LTE-Advanced, утвержденные приказом Министерства связи...иотелефонной связи стандарта LTE и его модификации LTE-Advanced, утвержденные приказом Министерства связи и мас... связи стандарта LTE и его модификации LTE-Advanced, утвержденные приказом Министерства связи...иотелефонной связи стандарта LTE и его модификации LTE-Advanced, утвержденные приказом Министерства связи и мас
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The Constitution of England;Or, an Account of the English Government
Lolme, J.L. de. The Constitution of England; or, An account of the English government. London : Printed for G.G.J. & J. Robinson and J. Murray, 1793.
Lolme, J.L. de
The Constitution of England; or, An account of the English...The Constitution of England; or, An account of the English government...The Constitution of England; or, An account of the English government In which it is compared, bot...ocate, member of the Council of the Two Hundred in the Republic of Geneva An account of the English government...h with the Republican Form of Government, and the other Monarchies in Europe By J.L. de Lolme, Adv...The Constitution of England; or, An account of the English government...An account of the English government...The Constitution of England; or, An account of the English government...By J.L. de Lolme, Advocate, member of the Council of the Two Hundred in the Republic of Geneva...An account of the English government
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An Attempt to Render The Pronunciation of the English Language More Easy to Foreigners
Smith, William. An attempt to render the pronunciation of the english language more easy to foreigners. London : Printed for the author, by T. Gillet, 1795.
Smith, William
An attempt to render the pronunciation of the english language... a dictionary of the english and french languages, upon a plan entirely new... / By William Smith, A..... -Текст парал. на англ. и фр. яз.Загл. шмуцтит.: Scheme of a french and english dictionary.На тит. л...An attempt to render the pronunciation of the english language more easy to foreigners...An attempt to render the pronunciation of the english language more easy to foreigners Essai ten...idgment of a larger work to be comprised in three volumes, and entitled a dictionary of the english and fre...nch languages, upon a plan entirely new... By William Smith, A. M. fre Scheme of a french and english dictionary...An attempt to render the pronunciation of the english language more easy to foreigners... of the english and french languages, upon a plan entirely new......Scheme of a french and english dictionary...An attempt to render the pronunciation of the english language more easy to foreigners...tionary of the english and french languages, upon a plan entirely new......Scheme of a french and english dictionary
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On amendments to the rules for the use of basic stations and retransters of mobile radiotelephone networks.Part VI.Rules for the use of equipment of basic stations and relaying mobile radiotelephone networks of the LTE standard and its modification of LTE-Advanced, approved by order of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated 06.06.2011 No. 129
О внесении изменений в Правила применения базовых станций и ретрансляторов сетей подвижной радиотелефонной связи. Часть VI. Правила применения оборудования систем базовых станций и ретрансляторов сетей подвижной радиотелефонной связи стандарта LTE и его модификации LTE-Advanced, утвержденные приказом Министерства связи и массовых коммуникаций Российской Федерации от 06.06.2011 № 129.
и ретрансляторов сетей подвижной радиотелефонной связи стандарта LTE и его модификации LTE-Advanced... радиотелефонной связи стандарта LTE и его модификации LTE-Advanced, утвержденные приказом Министерства связи... сетей подвижной радиотелефонной связи стандарта LTE и его модификации LTE-Advanced, утвержденные...ей подвижной радиотелефонной связи стандарта LTE и его модификации LTE-Advanced, утвержденные при... сетей подвижной радиотелефонной связи стандарта LTE и его модификации LTE-Advanced, утвержденные...ей подвижной радиотелефонной связи стандарта LTE и его модификации LTE-Advanced, утвержденные при
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Tide Tables for the English and Irish Channels, and River Thams, for the Year 1837
Tide tables for the English and Irish channels, and river Thames, for the year 1837. London : Printed for the Hydrographic office, Admiralty, by W. Clowes and sons, 1837.
Tide tables for the English and Irish channels, and river Thames, for the year...Tide tables for the English and Irish channels, and river Thames, for the year 1837...Tide tables for the English and Irish channels, and river Thames, for the year 1837 To be continued annually...Tide tables for the English and Irish channels, and river Thames, for the year 1837...Tide tables for the English and Irish channels, and river Thames, for the year 1837
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The English Church and its bishops, 1700-1800. Vol. 2
Abbey, Charles John
The English Church and its bishops, 1700-1800. Vol. 2.
London: Longmans, Green, a. co., 1887-?. 1887.
Abbey, Charles John
The English Church and its bishops, 1700-1800 : In 2...The English Church and its bishops, 1700-1800. Vol. 2...Vol. 2 The English Church and its bishops, 1700-1800 In 2 vol. By Charles J. Abbey...The English Church and its bishops, 1700-1800...The English Church and its bishops, 1700-1800
Sailing Directions for the English Channel, Including a General Description of the South Coasts of England and Ireland, and Detailed of the Channel Islands
White, Martin. Sailing directions for the English channel, including a general description of the south coasts of England and Ireland, and a detailed account of the Channel Islands. London : Printed for the Hydrographic office, 1835.
White, Martin
Sailing directions for the English channel, including a general...Sailing directions for the English channel, including a general description of the south coasts...Sailing directions for the English channel, including a general description of the south coa...sts of England and Ireland, and a detailed account of the Channel Islands By captain Martin White, R.N....Sailing directions for the English channel, including a general description of the south coasts...Sailing directions for the English channel, including a general description of the south coa...sts of England and Ireland, and a detailed account of the Channel Islands
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New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection (Library of Congress). Allies advance in Normandy
Brandt, Bert
New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection (Library of Congress). Allies advance in Normandy.
Collection (Library of Congress)
Allies advance in Normandy [graphic] / Acme photo by Bert...New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection (Library of Congress). Allies advance in Normandy...Allies advance in Normandy graphic Acme photo by Bert Brandt, war pool correspondent New York Wor...Allies advance in Normandy...Allies advance in Normandy
A. K. Glazunov: Photo.With an autograph on the back of the road: "A great musician and experienced advisor Maximilian Oveyevich Steinberg for memory from the mentally devoteed by A. K. Glazunov.May 24, 1908 "- Cambridge, 1907
А. К. Глазунов: фото. С автографом на оборотной стороне: «Прекрасному музыканту и опытному советчику Максимилиану Овсеевичу Штейнбергу на память от душевно преданного А. К. Глазунова. 24 мая 1908» - Cambridge, 1907. 1907.
А. К. Глазунова. 24 мая 1908» - Cambridge, 1907 / Stearn and sons. - 1907. -КР РИИИ, ф.28, оп.3, ед.хр.1246 / 2... советчику Максимилиану Овсеевичу Штейнбергу на память от душевно преданного А. К. Глазунова. 24 мая 1908» - Cambridge, 1907...етчику Максимилиану Овсеевичу Штейнбергу на память от душевно преданного А. К. Глазунова. 24 мая 1908» - Cambridge, 1907 Stearn and sons... советчику Максимилиану Овсеевичу Штейнбергу на память от душевно преданного А. К. Глазунова. 24 мая 1908» - Cambridge, 1907...етчику Максимилиану Овсеевичу Штейнбергу на память от душевно преданного А. К. Глазунова. 24 мая 1908» - Cambridge, 1907
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A. K. Glazunov: Photo.With an autograph on the back side: "Dear love of Grigorievna as a sign of appreciation for concerns about sister.A. Glazunov.Oct 12.1910.- Cambridge, 1907
А. К. Глазунов: фото. С автографом на оборотной стороне: «Дорогой Любови Григорьевне в знак признательности за заботы о сестрице. А. Глазунов. 12 окт. 1910». - Cambridge, 1907. 1907.
Григорьевне в знак признательности за заботы о сестрице. А. Глазунов. 12 окт. 1910». - Cambridge, 1907... признательности за заботы о сестрице. А. Глазунов. 12 окт. 1910». - Cambridge, 1907...знательности за заботы о сестрице. А. Глазунов. 12 окт. 1910». - Cambridge, 1907 Stearn and sons... признательности за заботы о сестрице. А. Глазунов. 12 окт. 1910». - Cambridge, 1907...знательности за заботы о сестрице. А. Глазунов. 12 окт. 1910». - Cambridge, 1907
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Blunt's Edition of the Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for Thear 1826, Carefully Examined, And Many Important Errorors in the English Edition Correction Correction Correction Correction Correction Correction
Stansbury, Daniel. Blunt's edition of the Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the year 1826, carefully examined, and many important errors in the English edition corrected. New York : Published by Edmund M. Blunt, author of the "American coast pilot", &c. for W. Hooker, instrument maker and chart seller to the U.S. Navy, and agent for the Nautical store, 1824.
Ephemeris for the year 1826, carefully examined, and many important errors in the English edition... examined, and many important errors in the English edition corrected...mined, and many important errors in the English edition corrected Published annually By Daniel Sta... examined, and many important errors in the English edition corrected...mined, and many important errors in the English edition corrected
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PB named afterB.N.Yeltsin
Россия и мир: Научный диалог = Russia & World: Scientific Dialogue. №.1 (3) | March 2022. ENGLISH EDITION. 2022.
) | March 2022. ENGLISH EDITION. - 2022. -Лиц. договор № от декабря 2022.
Источник...Россия и мир: Научный диалог = Russia & World: Scientific Dialogue. №.1 (3) | March 2022. ENGLISH EDITION...Россия и мир: Научный диалог = Russia & World: Scientific Dialogue. №.1 (3) | March 2022. ENGLISH EDITION...Россия и мир: Научный диалог = Russia & World: Scientific Dialogue. №.1 (3) | March 2022. ENGLISH EDITION...Россия и мир: Научный диалог = Russia & World: Scientific Dialogue. №.1 (3) | March 2022. ENGLISH EDITION
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Russia and the world: Scientific dialogue = Russia & World: Scientific Dialogue.No. 2 (4) June.2022.English Edition
Россия и мир: Научный диалог = Russia & World: Scientific Dialogue. № 2 (4) June.2022. ENGLISH EDITION. 2022.
) June.2022. ENGLISH EDITION. - 2022. -Лиц. договор № от декабря 2022.
Источник электронной...Россия и мир: Научный диалог = Russia & World: Scientific Dialogue. № 2 (4) June.2022. ENGLISH EDITION...Россия и мир: Научный диалог = Russia & World: Scientific Dialogue. № 2 (4) June.2022. ENGLISH EDITION...Россия и мир: Научный диалог = Russia & World: Scientific Dialogue. № 2 (4) June.2022. ENGLISH EDITION...Россия и мир: Научный диалог = Russia & World: Scientific Dialogue. № 2 (4) June.2022. ENGLISH EDITION
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Weiteere ausfuhrung der Mathematischen Geographie Besonders in Absicht auf Die Spharoidische Gestalt Der Erdetide Tables for the English and Irish
Kastner, Abraham Gotthelf. Weitere Ausfuhrung der mathematischen Geographie besonders in Absicht auf die spharoidische Gestalt der Erdetide tables for the english and irish channels, and river thames. Gottingen : Im Verlag bey Vandenhoet und Kuprecht, 1795.
besonders in Absicht auf die spharoidische Gestalt der Erdetide tables for the english and irish channels... der Erdetide tables for the english and irish channels, and river thames...talt der Erdetide tables for the english and irish channels, and river thames Mit sechs Kupfertafeln Von Abraham Gotthelf Ka?stner... der Erdetide tables for the english and irish channels, and river thames...talt der Erdetide tables for the english and irish channels, and river thames
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A Complete System of Astronomy.Vol.1
Vince. S.A complete system of astronomy. Cambridge: [Б. и.], 1797.
Vol. 1. 1797.
, A.M. F.R.S. Plumian professor of astronomy and experimental philosophy in the university of Cambridge.... - Cambridge : [Б. и.], 1797. -
1. Территория (коллекция).
Источник электронной копии...Cambridge...Cambridge...ronomy and experimental philosophy in the university of Cambridge...By the Rev. S. Vince, A.M. F.R.S. Plumian professor of astronomy and experimental philosophy in the university of Cambridge...By the Rev. S. Vince, A.M. F.R.S. Plumian professor of astronomy and experimental philosophy in the university of Cambridge
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Management of socioeconomic security. The Management of Socioeconomic Safety
Соложенцев, Евгений Дмитриевич. The Management of Socioeconomic Safety. Cambridge : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017.
издание. -Электронные текстовые данные (254 файла, 300 dpi, JPEG, 114,4 МБ). -Cambridge : Cambridge...Cambridge...Cambridge...Cambridge Scholars Publishing...Cambridge Scholars Publishing