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The Salisbury Guide, Giving An Account of the Antiquits of Old Sarum
The Salisbury guide, giving an account of the antiquities of old Sarum : And...The Salisbury guide, giving an account of the antiquities of old Sarum...The Salisbury guide, giving an account of the antiquities of old Sarum And the ancient and pre...The Salisbury guide, giving an account of the antiquities of old Sarum...The Salisbury guide, giving an account of the antiquities of old Sarum
Specificity of communicative interaction in the Russian segment of social media (on the basis of the social network "VKontakte" and video sharing "YouTube") NO BO
в российском сегменте социальных медиа (на материале социальной сети "ВКонтакте" и видеохостинга "You Tube...Специфика коммуникативного взаимодействия в российском сегменте социальных медиа (на материале социальной сети "ВКонтакте" и видеохостинга "You Tube")...иальной сети "ВКонтакте" и видеохостинга "You Tube") автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой сте...Специфика коммуникативного взаимодействия в российском сегменте социальных медиа (на материале социальной сети "ВКонтакте" и видеохостинга "You Tube")...Специфика коммуникативного взаимодействия в российском сегменте социальных медиа (на материале социальной сети "ВКонтакте" и видеохостинга "You Tube")
Jose-Raul Kapablanka gives a session of simultaneous chess playing.11/24/1913 = Jose Raul Capablanca Giving A Simultaneous Chess Display.november 24, 1913
= Jose Raul Capablanca giving a simultaneous chess display.November 24, 1913 / Булла, К. К. - 1913. -605...Хосе-Рауль Капабланка даёт сеанс одновременной игры в шахматы. 24.11.1913 = Jose Raul Capablanca giving a simultaneous chess display.November 24, 1913...ablanca giving a simultaneous chess display.November 24, 1913 Булла, К. К....Хосе-Рауль Капабланка даёт сеанс одновременной игры в шахматы. 24.11.1913 = Jose Raul Capablanca giving a simultaneous chess display.November 24, 1913...ablanca giving a simultaneous chess display.November 24, 1913
A Claim to the Invention of the Tube Sight, For Giving Greater Effect to the Fire of Artillery, More Particularly at Sea, As Submitted to the Right Hon.The lord comissioners of the admiralty, on the 4th octomber, 1813, with further illustrations and comparative remarks on the tude sight, as latery recommended by major-general sir William Congreve, in his book the 4th february, 1818, and tried on board hisMajesty's Sip Liffey
Duff, Archibald
A claim to the invention of the tube sight, for giving greater...A claim to the invention of the tube sight, for giving greater effect to the fire of artillery...A claim to the invention of the tube sight, for giving greater effect to the fire of artillery, mor...A claim to the invention of the tube sight, for giving greater effect to the fire of artillery...A claim to the invention of the tube sight, for giving greater effect to the fire of artillery, mor