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Entrance to the railway. bridge across the river. Salmonella approx. Art. Petrozavodsk Murm. railroad
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Pod''iezd k zh.d. mostu cherez r. Lososinku ok. st. Petrozavodsk Murm. zh.d.[1915].
roach to the railroad bridge over the Lososinka River near the Petrozavodsk Station on the Murmansk railway eng...Approach to the railroad bridge over the Lososinka River near the Petrozavodsk Station on the Murmansk railway
Saint Petersburg.Yusupoff's Palace On The Moika
Saint Petersburg. Yusupoff’s Palace on the Moika.
Saint Petersburg. Yusupoff’s Palace on the Moika фот. А. Медведников...Saint Petersburg. Yusupoff’s Palace on the Moika
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Dr.Goldsmith's History of Greece, Abridged, for the Use of Schools
Goldsmith. Dr. Goldsmith's history of Greece, abridged, for the use of schools. London : Stereotyped and printed by A. Wilson, 1809.
Dr. Goldsmith's history of Greece, abridged, for the use of schools...Dr. Goldsmith's history of Greece, abridged, for the use of schools
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Nautical Memoirs.[T.2 (4)].An account of the navigation between India and the Gulph of Persia, at all seasons, with nautical instructions for that Gulph, by lieutenant John Mc Cluer
Nautical memoirs.
Cluer, John Mc. [T. 2 (4)]: An account of the navigation between India and the Gulph of Persia, at all seasons, with nautical instructions for that Gulph, by lieutenant John Mc Cluer. 1786.
An account of the navigation between India and the Gulph of Persia, at all seasons, with nau...tical instructions for that Gulph, by lieutenant John Mc Cluer Published at the charge of the East India company, by Dalrymple Nautical memoirs [T. 2 (4)]...An account of the navigation between India and the Gulph of Persia, at all seasons, with nau...Published at the charge of the East India company, by Dalrymple
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General view of the Kremlin from the belfry of the All-Sviatoslav church from siev.-zap. Rostov the Great
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944).
Obshchii vid Kremlia s kolokol'ni Vsesviatskoi tserkvi s siev.-zap. Rostov Velikii.
eral view of the Kremlin from the bell tower of the Church of All Saints, from the northwest. Rostov Vel...General view of the Kremlin from the bell tower of the Church of All Saints, from the northwest. Rostov Velikii
Detail of the Royal Gates in the Church of St. John the Evangelist. Rostov the Great
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944).
Detal' TSarskikh vrat v tserkvi Ioanna Bogoslova. Rostov Velikii.
Detal'' TSarskikh vrat v tserkvi Ioanna Bogoslova. Rostov Velikii graphic Detail of the Holy Gat...es in the Church of Saint John the Theologian. Rostov Velikii eng Деталь Царских врат в церкви Иоанна Богослова. Ростов Великий rus...Detail of the Holy Gates in the Church of Saint John the Theologian. Rostov Velikii
The prince-Fedor. side from the bell tower of the Transfiguration Cathedral, Rzhev
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944).
Kniaz'-Fedor. storona s kolokol'ni Preobrazhenskago sobora, g. Rzhev.
e [of the city] from the bell tower of the Cathedral of the Transfiguration. City of Rzhev eng Кня...Prince Fedor''s side [of the city] from the bell tower of the Cathedral of the Transfiguration. City of Rzhev
View of Kasli plant
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Vid na Kaslinskii zavod. [1910].
Vid na Kaslinskii zavod graphic View of the Kasli plant eng Вид на Каслинский завод rus...View of the Kasli plant
The cross is crossed in the church of St. John Chrysostom. The times of the first Romanovs. Yaroslavl
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944).
Zaprestol'nyi krest v tserkvi Ioanna Zlatousta. Vremen pervykh Romanovykh. IAroslavl'.
ss behind the altar, in the Church of Saint John Chrysostom, from the time of the first Rom...Cross behind the altar, in the Church of Saint John Chrysostom, from the time of the first Romanovs. Yaroslavl
Murmansk. The city near the Kola Bay
Мурманск. Город у Кольского залива.
Мурманск. Город у Кольского залива Изоматериал : электронный ресурс Murmansk. The town at the Kola Bay [открытка] фото Ю. Воронцов eng Изоматериал...Murmansk. The town at the Kola Bay
Theatre de M. Favart, OU Recueil des Comedies, Parodies & Opera-Comiques Qu'il A Donnes Jus-Jour Avec Les Airs, Rondes & Vaudevilles Dans Chaquew Piece.T. 6. Theatre de la Foire
Favart. Theatre de M. Favart, ou Recueil des comedies, parodies & opera-comiques qu'il a donnes jusqu'a ce jour avec les airs, rondes & vaudevilles notes dans chaque piece. Paris: Chez Duchesne, [1743-1763].
T. 6: Theatre de la Foire. 1743.
Theatre de la Foire Theatre de M. Favart, ou Recueil des comedies, parodies & opera-com...Theatre de la Foire...Theatre de M. Favart, ou Recueil des comedies, parodies & opera-comiques qu'il a donnes jus
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Theatre de m.FAVART, OU Recueil des Comedies, Parodies & Opera-Comiques Qu'il A Donnes Jour Avec Les Airs, Rondes & Vaudevilles Notes Dans Chaque Piece.T. 8. Theatre de la Foire
Favart. Theatre de M. Favart, ou Recueil des comedies, parodies & opera-comiques qu'il a donnes jusqu'a ce jour avec les airs, rondes & vaudevilles notes dans chaque piece. Paris: Chez Duchesne, [1743-1763].
T. 8: Theatre de la foire. 1763.
Theatre de la foire Theatre de M. Favart, ou Recueil des comedies, parodies & opera-com...Theatre de la foire...Theatre de M. Favart, ou Recueil des comedies, parodies & opera-comiques qu'il a donnes jus
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The History of the Trial of Warren Hastings, Esq.Late Governor-General of Bengal, Before The High Court of Parliament in Westminster-Hall, On An Impeachment by the Commons of Great-Britain, For High Crimes and Misdemeanours
The history of the trial of Warren Hastings, Esq. late Governor-General of Bengal, before the High Court of Parliament in Westminster-Hall, on an impeachment by the commons of Great-Britain, for high crimes and misdemeanours. London : Printed for J. Debrett, and Vernor and Hood, 1796.
The history of the trial of Warren Hastings, Esq. late Governor-General of Bengal, before the Hig...h Court of Parliament in Westminster-Hall, on an impeachment by the commons of Great-Britain, for hig...h crimes and misdemeanours Containing the whole of the proceedings and debates in both houses of par...il 23, 1795 To which is added, an account of the proceedings of various general courts of the honourable Uni...The history of the trial of Warren Hastings, Esq. late Governor-General of Bengal, before the Hig...h Court of Parliament in Westminster-Hall, on an impeachment by the commons of Great-Britain, for high crimes and misdemeanours...Containing the whole of the proceedings and debates in both houses of parliament, relating to tha...To which is added, an account of the proceedings of various general courts of the honourable Uni
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Russian Navy in the United States. The Russian Navy Visits the United States
The Russian Navy Visits the United States. [Washington?] : Naval Historical Foundation, cop. 1969.
The Russian Navy Visits the United States Naval Historical Foundation Publication Series 2 nr. 12 Русский флот в Соединенных Штатах rus...The Russian Navy Visits the United States
Extracts from a Journal, Written on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, in the Years 1820, 1821, 1822. Vol.2
Hall. Basil. Extracts from a journal, written on the coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, in the years 1820, 1821, 1822. Edinburgh: [Б. и.], 1824.
Vol. 2. Edinburgh : Printed for Archibald Constable and Co., 1824; London : Printed for Hurst, Robinson and Co.
Vol. 2 Extracts from a journal, written on the coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, in the years 182...Extracts from a journal, written on the coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, in the years 1820, 1821, 1822
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The village of Vilgård is on the way from Cherdyni in the village. Nybyb
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Selo Vil'gord po puti iz Cherdyni v s. Nyrob. [1910].
Selo Vil''gord po puti iz Cherdyni v s. Nyrob graphic Village of Vilgord on the way from Che...rdyn to the village of Nyrob eng Село Вильгорд по пути из Чердыни в с. Ныроб rus...Village of Vilgord on the way from Cherdyn to the village of Nyrob
The general position of Mr. Vladimir on Klyazmi
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944).
Obshchee polozhenie g. Vladimira po Kliaz'mie.
Obshchee polozhenie g. Vladimira po Kliaz''mie graphic General site of the city of Vladimir alo...ng the Kliazma eng Общее положение г. Владимира по Клязьме rus...General site of the city of Vladimir along the Kliazma
Zarechnaya part of the village Mezhevaya Duck
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944).
Zariechnaia chast' derevni Mezhevaia Utka.
Zariechnaia chast'' derevni Mezhevaia Utka graphic Part of the village of Mezhevaia Utka across the river eng Заречная часть деревни Межевая Утка rus...Part of the village of Mezhevaia Utka across the river
Leningrad. Washing at the Red Bridge
Ленинград. Мойка у Красного моста.
Ленинград. Мойка у Красного моста Изоматериал : электронный ресурс Leningrad. The Moika near the Krasni Most (Red Bridge) [открытка] eng Изоматериал...Leningrad. The Moika near the Krasni Most (Red Bridge)
Church of the Resurrection in the wilds. Kostroma
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). TSerkov' Voskreseniia na debriakh. Kostroma. [1910].
TSerkov'' Voskreseniia na debriakh. Kostroma graphic Church of the Resurrection in the Grove. Kostroma eng Церковь Воскресения на дебрях. Кострома rus...Church of the Resurrection in the Grove. Kostroma
St. Ladva Murm. zh.d. nerovnosti puti
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). St. Ladva Murm. zh.d. nerovnosti puti. [1915].
St. Ladva Murm. zh.d. nerovnosti puti graphic Ladva Station on the Murmansk railroad. Une...veness of the railway eng Ст. Ладва Мурм. ж.д. неровности пути rus...Ladva Station on the Murmansk railroad. Uneveness of the railway
Detail of the Church of the Savior on the Blood
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944).
Detal' khrama [Voskreseniia na Krovi].
[between 1905 and 1915].
Detal'' khrama [Voskreseniia na Krovi] graphic Detail of church [of the Resurrection on the Blood] eng Деталь храма [Воскресения на Крови] rus...Detail of church [of the Resurrection on the Blood]
Hydrological studies in the Caspian Sea in 1914-1915.
Книпович, Николай Михайлович (1862-1939). Гидрологические исследования в Каспийском море в 1914 - 1915 г.Петербург : Первая Государственная типография, 1921.
Гидрологические исследования в Каспийском море в 1914 - 1915 г. Hydrological Investigations in the... Caspian sea in the years 1914 - 1915 c 2 картами, 3 таблицами чертежей и 17 рисунками в тексте про...фессор Н. М. Книпович eng Труды Каспийской экспедиции 1914 - 1915 гг. Repors of the Caspian exp...edition in the years 1914 - 1915 1 Hydrological Investigations in the Caspian sea in the years 1914-1915...Hydrological Investigations in the Caspian sea in the years 1914 - 1915...Repors of the Caspian expedition in the years 1914 - 1915...Hydrological Investigations in the Caspian sea in the years 1914-1915