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1996 Constitution of the Republic of South Africa
South Africa. Constitution. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. [Pretoria : Department of Justice and Constitutional Development, 2015].
South Africa. Constitution.
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa...The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996...The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 as adopted on 8 May 1996 and amended on 11 October 1996 by the Constituent Assembly...The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996...The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996...as adopted on 8 May 1996 and amended on 11 October 1996 by the Constituent Assembly
Men standing on the rugs in front of the yurt. [Two men standing on a rug, in front of yurt]
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944).
[Two men standing on a rug, in front of yurt].
[between 1905 and 1915].
[Two men standing on a rug, in front of yurt] [graphic] . - [between... devised by Library staff
1. Территория России (коллекция). 2. Men. 3. Rugs. 4. Yurts. 5. Народы...Мужчины, стоящие на ковриках напротив юрты. [Two men standing on a rug, in front of yurt]...[Two men standing on a rug, in front of yurt]
Portrait of a clergyman holding a staff. [Portrait of a religious man holding a staff]
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944).
[Portrait of a religious man holding a staff].
[between 1905 and 1915].
[Portrait of a religious man holding a staff] [graphic] . - [between...Портрет церковнослужителя, держащего жезл. [Portrait of a religious man holding a staff]...[Portrait of a religious man holding a staff] graphic Портрет церковнослужителя, держащего жезл rus...[Portrait of a religious man holding a staff]...[Portrait of a religious man holding a staff]
The Times History and Encyclopaedia of the War
The Times history and encyclopaedia of the war. London : The Times publishing company, 1915.
The Times history and encyclopaedia of the war = Мировая империалистическая... война. 1914-1918 : War atlas. - London : The Times publishing company, 1915. -70 с. : табл., карт..... -Загл. обл.: The Times war atlas and gazetteer 2/6 net.Содерж.: The Western theatre. The Eastern theatre.
Источник электронной копии: ПБ
...The Times history and encyclopaedia of the war...The Times publishing company...The Times publishing company...The Times history and encyclopaedia of the war Мировая империалистическая война. 1914-1918 War atl...as The Eastern theatre The Western theatre rus The Times war atlas and gazetteer 2/6 net...The Times history and encyclopaedia of the war...The Eastern theatre...The Western theatre...The Times war atlas and gazetteer 2/6 net...The Times history and encyclopaedia of the war...The Eastern theatre...The Western theatre...The Times war atlas and gazetteer 2/6 net
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The History of the War with Russia.Vol.3
Tyrrell. Henry. The history of the war with Russia. London: Printed and published by the London printing and publishing company (limited), [1857]; New York.
Vol. 3. [1857].
Tyrrell, Henry
The history of the war with Russia : Giving full...The history of the war with Russia. Vol. 3...Printed and published by the London printing and publishing company (limited)...Vol. 3 The history of the war with Russia Giving full details of the operations of the allied arm...nts of the war; battle scenes; views of celebrated places in the seat of war; maps, plans, etc. By Henry Tyrrell, esq....The history of the war with Russia...The history of the war with Russia...Giving full details of the operations of the allied armies...nts of the war; battle scenes; views of celebrated places in the seat of war; maps, plans, etc.
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Russia and Countries of the World. The Pacific Rim
Russia and Countries of the World. The Pacific Rim. Санкт-Петербург : Президентская библиотека имени Б. Н. Ельцина, 2012.
Russia and Countries of the World. The Pacific Rim : [информационный видеоролик...] / The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, Мультимедийный отдел ; куратор проекта: Долгорукова...Russia and Countries of the World. The Pacific Rim...Russia and Countries of the World. The Pacific Rim [информационный видеоролик] The Boris Yel...ион Президентская библиотека имени Б. Н. Ельцина, Мультимедийный отдел The Pacific Rim...Russia and Countries of the World. The Pacific Rim...The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, Мультимедийный отдел...The Pacific Rim...Russia and Countries of the World. The Pacific Rim...The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, Мультимедийный отдел...The Pacific Rim
A man standing in front of the railway tracks. [Man standing beside railroad tracks]
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). [Man standing beside railroad tracks]. [between 1905 and 1915].
[Man standing beside railroad tracks] [graphic]. - [between 1905 and 1915.... Прокудин-Горский, Сергей Михайлович (1863-1944).1. Территория России (коллекция). 2. Men. 3. Railroad...Мужчина, стоящий напротив железнодорожных путей. [Man standing beside railroad tracks]...[Man standing beside railroad tracks] graphic Мужчина, стоящий напротив железнодорожных путей rus...[Man standing beside railroad tracks]...[Man standing beside railroad tracks]
The Autobiography of John Galt.Vol.1
Galt. John. The autobiography of John Galt.
Vol. 1. 1833.
Galt, John
The autobiography of John Galt
Vol. 1. - Cochrane and M'Crone...The autobiography of John Galt. Vol. 1...Vol. 1 The autobiography of John Galt...The autobiography of John Galt...The autobiography of John Galt
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The Seat of War in the East.Series 1
Simpson. William. The Seat of War in the East. London: [Б. и.], 1855-1856.
Series 1. 1855.
Simpson, William
The Seat of War in the East : Dedicated...The Seat of War in the East. Series 1...Series 1 The Seat of War in the East Dedicated by permission to her most gracious majesty the queen By William Simpson...The Seat of War in the East...The Seat of War in the East...Dedicated by permission to her most gracious majesty the queen
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The Moscow Metro [Postcard Set]
The Moscow metro [Комплект открыток]. 1987.
The Moscow metro [Комплект открыток]. - Аврора, 1987. -Сохранена...The Moscow metro [Комплект открыток]...The Moscow metro [Комплект открыток]...The Moscow metro [Комплект открыток]...The Moscow metro [Комплект открыток]
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The Character of the Russians and a Detailed History of Moscow
Lyall, Robert (1790-1831). The character of the Russians and a detailed history of Moscow. London : Printed for T. Cadell, in the strand, and W. Blacwood Edinburgh, 1823.
, Robert (1790-1831).
The character of the Russians and a detailed history of Moscow...The character of the Russians and a detailed history of Moscow...Printed for T. Cadell, in the strand, and W. Blacwood Edinburgh...The character of the Russians and a detailed history of Moscow illustrated with numerous eng...ravings with a dissertation on the Russian language; and an appendix, containing tables, political, sta...tistical, and historical; an account of the Imperial agricultural society of Moscow; a catalogue of pla...nts found in and near Moscow; an essay on the origin and progress of architecture in Rus...sia, &c. &c. by Robert Lyall, m.d. member of the Imperial societies of agriculture and natural history, and...The character of the Russians and a detailed history of Moscow...The character of the Russians and a detailed history of Moscow...with a dissertation on the Russian language; and an appendix, containing tables, political, sta...tistical, and historical; an account of the Imperial agricultural society of Moscow; a catalogue of pla...nts found in and near Moscow; an essay on the origin and progress of architecture in Russia, &c. &c....by Robert Lyall, m.d. member of the Imperial societies of agriculture and natural history, and
St. Petersburg. The navy Nikolsky Cathedral. 1992.
St. Petersburg. The navy Nikolsky Cathedral / худ. И.А.Иванов. - 1992. -605...St. Petersburg. The navy Nikolsky Cathedral...St. Petersburg. The navy Nikolsky Cathedral худ. И.А.Иванов...St. Petersburg. The navy Nikolsky Cathedral...St. Petersburg. The navy Nikolsky Cathedral
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Tamara Karsavina as the Firebird, 1910
Tamara Karsavina as The Firebird, 1910.
Tamara Karsavina as The Firebird, 1910 / phot. E.O.Hoppe. - Fotofolio...Tamara Karsavina as The Firebird, 1910...Tamara Karsavina as The Firebird, 1910 phot. E.O.Hoppe...Tamara Karsavina as The Firebird, 1910...Tamara Karsavina as The Firebird, 1910
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The Russian Empire of To-Day and Yesterday
Winter, Nevin O.The Russian Empire of To-Day and Yesterday. Boston : L.C. Page & Company, 1913.
Winter, Nevin O.
The Russian Empire of To-Day and Yesterday : The Country...The Russian Empire of To-Day and Yesterday...The Russian Empire of To-Day and Yesterday The Country and Its Peoples, together with a brief rev...The Russian Empire of To-Day and Yesterday...The Country and Its Peoples, together with a brief review of its History, past and present...The Russian Empire of To-Day and Yesterday...The Country and Its Peoples, together with a brief review of its History, past and present, and
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The History of the War with Russia.Vol.1
Tyrrell. Henry. The history of the war with Russia. London: Printed and published by the London printing and publishing company (limited), [1857]; New York.
Vol. 1. [1857].
Tyrrell, Henry
The history of the war with Russia : Giving full.... 1. - [1857]. -[1], IV, XL, 384 с., 38 л. ил., карт., портр. : табл.. -Загл. обл.: The history...The history of the war with Russia. Vol. 1...Printed and published by the London printing and publishing company (limited)...Vol. 1 The history of the war with Russia Giving full details of the operations of the allied arm...nts of the war; battle scenes; views of celebrated places in the seat of war; maps, plans, etc. By Hen...ry Tyrrell, esq. The history of the present war with Russia...The history of the war with Russia...The history of the present war with Russia...The history of the war with Russia...Giving full details of the operations of the allied armies...nts of the war; battle scenes; views of celebrated places in the seat of war; maps, plans, etc....The history of the present war with Russia
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The History of the Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero.Vol.3
Middleton. Conyers. The history of the life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. London: [Б. и.], 1767.
Vol. 3. 1767.
Middleton, Conyers
The history of the life of Marcus Tullius... of Cambridge. - The eighth edition. -London : [Б. и.], 1767. -
I. Cicero, Marcus Tullius.1. Территория...The history of the life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Vol. 3...Vol. 3 The history of the life of Marcus Tullius Cicero In three volumes By Conyers Mid...dleton, D. D. Principal library-keeper of the University of Cambridge...The history of the life of Marcus Tullius Cicero...The history of the life of Marcus Tullius Cicero...By Conyers Middleton, D. D. Principal library-keeper of the University of Cambridge
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Punch, or the London Charivari.Vol.67. Punch
Punch, or The London charivari. London, 1848-.
Vol. 67: Punch. 1874.
Punch, or The London charivari. - London, 1848-. -
1. Народ...Punch, or The London charivari. Vol. 67. Punch...Published at the office...Punch Punch, or The London charivari Vol. 67...Punch, or The London charivari...Punch, or The London charivari
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Punch, or the London Charivari.Vol.66. Punch
Punch, or The London charivari. London, 1848-.
Vol. 66: Punch. 1874.
Punch, or The London charivari. - London, 1848-. -
1. Народ...Punch, or The London charivari. Vol. 66. Punch...Published at the office...Punch Punch, or The London charivari Vol. 66...Punch, or The London charivari...Punch, or The London charivari
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Monographs of the Mediaeval Academy of America.No. 11. The Goths in the Crimea
Monographs of the Mediaeval academy of America. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Mediaeval academy of America, 1932-1937.
Vasiliev, Alexander Alexandrovich. № 11: The Goths in the Crimea. 1936.
, Massachusetts : The Mediaeval academy of America, 1932-1937. -Сканирование произведено за счет средств...)
№ 11: The Goths in the Crimea / Alexander Alexandrovich Vasiliev, professor of History University...Monographs of the Mediaeval academy of America. № 11. The Goths in the Crimea...Cambridge, Massachusetts...The Mediaeval academy of America...The Mediaeval academy of America...The Goths in the Crimea Alexander Alexandrovich Vasiliev, professor of History University of Wisconsin Monographs of the Mediaeval academy of America № 11...The Goths in the Crimea...The Goths in the Crimea...Monographs of the Mediaeval academy of America
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The Life of Catharine II Empress of Russia.Vol.2
The life of Catharine II Empress of Russia. London: [Б. и.], 1798.
Vol. 2. 1798.
The life of Catharine II Empress of Russia : With seven portraits... elegantly engraved, and a correct map of the Russian empire : In three volumes. - The second...The life of Catharine II Empress of Russia. Vol. 2...Vol. 2 The life of Catharine II Empress of Russia With seven portraits elegantly engraved, and a correct map of the Russian empire In three volumes...The life of Catharine II Empress of Russia...The life of Catharine II Empress of Russia...With seven portraits elegantly engraved, and a correct map of the Russian empire
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The History of Kamtschatka, and the Kurilski Islands, with the Countries Adjacent
Krašeninnikov, Stepan Petrovič (1713-1755). The history of Kamtschatka, and the Kurilski islands, with the countries adjacent. Glocester : Printed by R. Raike's for T. Jefferys, Geographer to his Majesty, London, 1764.
The history of Kamtschatka, and the Kurilski islands, with the countries adjacent...The history of Kamtschatka, and the Kurilski islands, with the countries adjacent...The history of Kamtschatka, and the Kurilski islands, with the countries adjacent Illustrated wit...h maps and cuts [by Mr. Krasheninicoff] Published at Petersbourg in the russian language, by ord...The history of Kamtschatka, and the Kurilski islands, with the countries adjacent...The history of Kamtschatka, and the Kurilski islands, with the countries adjacent...Published at Petersbourg in the russian language, by order of her Imperial Majesty and translated into english by James Grieve, M.D.
The Impracticability of a North-West Passage for Ships, Impartially Consedered
The impracticability of a North-West Passage for ships, impartially considered. London : Printed by A.J. Valpy, 1824.
The impracticability of a North-West Passage for ships, impartially considered...The impracticability of a North-West Passage for ships, impartially considered...The impracticability of a North-West Passage for ships, impartially considered...The impracticability of a North-West Passage for ships, impartially considered...The impracticability of a North-West Passage for ships, impartially considered
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The New Practical Navigator;Being An Epitome of Navigation ...
The new practical navigator; being an epitome of navigation…. 1796.
The new practical navigator; being an epitome of navigation… / Moore J.H...The new practical navigator; being an epitome of navigation…...The new practical navigator; being an epitome of navigation… Moore J.H....The new practical navigator; being an epitome of navigation…...The new practical navigator; being an epitome of navigation…
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Punch, or the London Charivari.Vol.69. Punch
Punch, or The London charivari. London, 1848-.
Vol. 69: Punch. 1875.
Punch, or The London charivari. - London, 1848-. -
1. Народ...Punch, or The London charivari. Vol. 69. Punch...Published at the office...Punch Punch, or The London charivari Vol. 69...Punch, or The London charivari...Punch, or The London charivari
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The Leningrad State Ballet in Memory of Moussorgsky [Postcards Set]
The Leningrad State Ballet in memory of Moussorgsky [комплект открыток].
The Leningrad State Ballet in memory of Moussorgsky [комплект открыток...The Leningrad State Ballet in memory of Moussorgsky [комплект открыток]...The Leningrad State Ballet in memory of Moussorgsky [комплект открыток]...The Leningrad State Ballet in memory of Moussorgsky [комплект открыток]...The Leningrad State Ballet in memory of Moussorgsky [комплект открыток]
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