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The new sailing directory for the navigation of the North-Sea, with all its harbours: and describing, most particularly, the channels of the Thames, from London, with the eastern coasts of Great Britain, the light-houses, &c.
Purdy, John. The new sailing directory for the navigation of the North-Sea, with all its harbours: and describing, most particularly, the channels of the Thames, from London, with the eastern coasts of Great Britain, the light-houses, &c.London : Printed for R.H. Laurie, Chart-seller to the Admiralty, the Right Hon. Corporation of Trinity-House, &c., 1834.
Purdy, John
The new sailing directory for the navigation of the North-Sea..., the board of trade at Hamburg, &c. relative to the navigation of this sea / By John Purdy, hydr. - The...The new sailing directory for the navigation of the North-Sea, with all its harbours...Printed for R.H. Laurie, Chart-seller to the Admiralty, the Right Hon. Corporation of Trinity-House, &c....The new sailing directory for the navigation of the North-Sea, with all its harbours: and des...cribing, most particularly, the channels of the Thames, from London, with the eastern coasts of Great Bri...tain, the light-houses, &c. From the downs to Shetland, inclusive Likewise, the coasts of Fra...nce, of Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, and Norway, to the Cattegat Composed from a Great Var...iety of original and valuable documents, regulated by the ordnance and admiralty surveys, the ast...The new sailing directory for the navigation of the North-Sea, with all its harbours...The new sailing directory for the navigation of the North-Sea, with all its harbours: and des...cribing, most particularly, the channels of the Thames, from London, with the eastern coasts of Great Britain, the light-houses, &c....From the downs to Shetland, inclusive...Likewise, the coasts of France, of Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, and Norway, to the Cattegat...Composed from a Great Variety of original and valuable documents, regulated by the ordnance and adm
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Correspondence with the London Branch "The Union of the Siberian Creamery and Other Co-Operative Association" [Union of Siberian Oil and Other Cooperative Partnerships] on the activities of the Union
ЧАЙКОВСКИЙ НИКОЛАЙ ВАСИЛЬЕВИЧ, УЧАСТНИК РЕВОЛЮЦИОННОГО ДВИЖЕНИЯ 1870-х гг., СОЗДАТЕЛЬ ОБЩЕСТВА "ЧАЙКОВЦЕВ", ЧЛЕН ПАРТИИ СОЦИАЛИСТОВ-РЕВОЛЮЦИОНЕРОВ, ГЛАВА ВЕРХОВНОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ СЕВЕРНОЙ ОБЛАСТИ,. Переписка с Лондонским отделением "The union of the Siberian Creamery and other Co-operative Associations" [Союз сибирских маслодельных и других кооперативных товариществ] о деятельности Союза. 1919.
Переписка с Лондонским отделением "The union of the Siberian Creamery and other Co...Переписка с Лондонским отделением "The union of the Siberian Creamery and other Co-operative...Переписка с Лондонским отделением "The union of the Siberian Creamery and other Co-operative Ass...Переписка с Лондонским отделением "The union of the Siberian Creamery and other Co-operative...Переписка с Лондонским отделением "The union of the Siberian Creamery and other Co-operative Ass
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[Rural Architecture;Or Designs, from the Simple Cottage to the Decheded Villa;Including Soome Which has been executed.By John Plaw, Architect and Surveror] rural architecture or projects from simple houses to lushly decorated villas, including some executed projects.John Plau, architect and surveyor.London, 1744. 72 l.
[Rural Architecture; or Designs, from The Simple Cottage to The Decorated Villa; Including Some Which Have Been executed. By John Plaw, Architect and Surveror] Сельская архитектура или проекты от простых домиков до пышно декорированных вилл, включая некоторые исполненные проекты. Джон Плау, архитектор и землемер. Лондон, 1744. 72 л.1744.
[Rural Architecture; or Designs, from The Simple Cottage to The Decorated Villa...[Rural Architecture; or Designs, from The Simple Cottage to The Decorated Villa; Including Some...[Rural Architecture; or Designs, from The Simple Cottage to The Decorated Villa; Including Some Whi...[Rural Architecture; or Designs, from The Simple Cottage to The Decorated Villa; Including Some...[Rural Architecture; or Designs, from The Simple Cottage to The Decorated Villa; Including Some Whi
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The addresses and messages of the presidents of the United States, from Washington to Tyler, embracing the executive proclamations, recommendations, protests, and vetoes, from 1780 to 1843, together with the declaration of independence and constitution of the United States
The addresses and messages of the presidents of the United States, from Washington to Tyler, embracing the executive proclamations, recommendations, protests, and vetoes, from 1780 to 1843, together with the declaration of independence and constitution of the United States. New York : Edward Walker, 1843; Boston : D. Appleton & Co; Philadelphia : J. & G. Langley; Washington : Bartlett & Welford.
The addresses and messages of the presidents of the United States, from...The addresses and messages of the presidents of the United States, from Washington to Tyler...The addresses and messages of the presidents of the United States, from Washington to Tyler, emb...racing the executive proclamations, recommendations, protests, and vetoes, from 1780 to 1843, tog...ether with the declaration of independence and constitution of the United States Presidents' messages...The addresses and messages of the presidents of the United States, from Washington to Tyler...The addresses and messages of the presidents of the United States, from Washington to Tyler, emb...racing the executive proclamations, recommendations, protests, and vetoes, from 1780 to 1843, tog...ether with the declaration of independence and constitution of the United States
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The Description and Use of the Longitude Scale, Or Lunar Corrector, For Readily Clearing the Apparent Lunar Distances From The Effects of Parallax and Refraction;and for finding the apparent time from the altette of the sun, or a village
Thomson, David. The description and use of the longitude scale, or lunar corrector, for readily clearing the apparent lunar distances from the effects of parallax and refraction; and for finding the apparent time from the altitude of the sun, or a star. London : Printed for the author, 1823.
Thomson, David
The description and use of the longitude scale, or lunar..., or chronometers / By David Thomson. - The second edition, greatly enlarged and improved. -London...The description and use of the longitude scale, or lunar corrector, for readily clearing...Printed for the author...The description and use of the longitude scale, or lunar corrector, for readily clearing the app...arent lunar distances from the effects of parallax and refraction; and for finding the apparent tim...e from the altitude of the sun, or a star Containing all the tables required with the nautical alm...anac, and scale, in finding the longitude either by lunar observations, or chronometers By David Tho...mson Description and use of the longitude scale; or, lunar corrector...The description and use of the longitude scale, or lunar corrector, for readily clearing...The description and use of the longitude scale, or lunar corrector, for readily clearing the app...arent lunar distances from the effects of parallax and refraction; and for finding the apparent time from the altitude of the sun, or a star...Containing all the tables required with the nautical almanac, and scale, in finding the longitude either by lunar observations, or chronometers...Description and use of the longitude scale; or, lunar corrector
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The Principal Documents Relating to the Survey of the Coast of the United States;And the Construction of UNIFORM Standards of Weights and Measures for the Custom Houses and States, from November 1835 to November 1836. T. 3
The principal documents relating to the survey of the coast of the United States; and the construction of uniform standards of weights and measures for the custom houses and states, from November 1835 to November 1836. New-York: [Б. и.], 1836.
T. 3. 1836.
The principal documents relating to the survey of the coast...The principal documents relating to the survey of the coast of the United States...ember 1835 to November 1836 Published by F.R. Hassler, superintendent of hoth Works...T. 3 The principal documents relating to the survey of the coast of the United States; and the con...struction of uniform standards of weights and measures for the custom houses and states, from Nov...The principal documents relating to the survey of the coast of the United States...The principal documents relating to the survey of the coast of the United States; and the con...struction of uniform standards of weights and measures for the custom houses and states, from November 1835 to November 1836...Published by F.R. Hassler, superintendent of hoth Works
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The Life of George Lord Anson, Admiral of the Fleet;Vice-Dmiral of Great Britain;and first lord community of the admiraty, previous to, and during, The Seven-Years' War
Barrow, John. The life of George Lord Anson, Admiral of the fleet; vice-admiral of Great Britain; and first lord commissioner of the admiralty, previous to, and during, the seven-years' war. London : John Murray, 1839.
Barrow, John
The life of George Lord Anson, Admiral of the fleet; vice-admiral...The life of George Lord Anson, Admiral of the fleet; vice-admiral of Great Britain; and first lord...The life of George Lord Anson, Admiral of the fleet; vice-admiral of Great Britain; and first lor...d commissioner of the admiralty, previous to, and during, the seven-years' war By Sir John Barrow, Bart., F.R.S. author of the "Life of admiral lord home"...The life of George Lord Anson, Admiral of the fleet; vice-admiral of Great Britain; and first lord...The life of George Lord Anson, Admiral of the fleet; vice-admiral of Great Britain; and first lor...d commissioner of the admiralty, previous to, and during, the seven-years' war...By Sir John Barrow, Bart., F.R.S. author of the "Life of admiral lord home"
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The history of Sumatra, containing an account of the government, laws, customs, and manners of the native inhabitants, with a description of the natural productions, and a relation of the ancient political state of that Island
Marsden, William. The history of Sumatra, containing an account of the government, laws, customs, and manners of the native inhabitants, with a description of the natural productions, and a relation of the ancient political state of that Island. London : Printed for the Author, by J. M'Creery, 1811.
Marsden, William
The history of Sumatra, containing an account of the government... productions, and a relation of the ancient political state of that Island / By William Marsden, F.R.S. - The...The history of Sumatra, containing an account of the government, laws, customs, and manners...Printed for the Author, by J. M'Creery...The history of Sumatra, containing an account of the government, laws, customs, and manners of the... native inhabitants, with a description of the natural productions, and a relation of the ancient political state of that Island By William Marsden, F.R.S....The history of Sumatra, containing an account of the government, laws, customs, and manners...The history of Sumatra, containing an account of the government, laws, customs, and manners of the... native inhabitants, with a description of the natural productions, and a relation of the ancient political state of that Island
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The New Sailing Directory for the Caribbee Or West-India Islands, From Porto- Rico to Trinidad, Inclusive;with the Colombian Coasts, Theence to La Guayra: Including Descriptions of the Different Islands, & C.
Purdy, John. The new sailing directory for the Caribbee or West-India islands, from Porto- Rico to Trinidad, inclusive; with the Colombian coasts, thence to la Guayra: including descriptions of the different islands, &c.London : Printed for Richard H. Laurie, chart-seller to the Admiralty, &c. and agent for the sale of the Admiralty charts, 1827.
Purdy, John
The new sailing directory for the Caribbee or West-India islands...The new sailing directory for the Caribbee or West-India islands, from Porto- Rico to Trinidad...Printed for Richard H. Laurie, chart-seller to the Admiralty, &c. and agent for the sale of the Admiralty charts...ands, &c. Drawn up to accompany the general chart of the navigation described in the work And equ...The new sailing directory for the Caribbee or West-India islands, from Porto- Rico to Trinidad, inc...lusive; with the Colombian coasts, thence to la Guayra: including descriptions of the different isl...ally adapted to the particular plans of all the principal harbours, by which the general chart is acc...ndations and additions, from that of don Cosme Churruca and don F. Fidalgo, captains in the spanish navy...The new sailing directory for the Caribbee or West-India islands, from Porto- Rico to Trinidad...The new sailing directory for the Caribbee or West-India islands, from Porto- Rico to Trinidad, inc...lusive; with the Colombian coasts, thence to la Guayra: including descriptions of the different islands, &c....Drawn up to accompany the general chart of the navigation described in the work...And equally adapted to the particular plans of all the principal harbours, by which the general chart is accompanied...And improved, by numerous emendations and additions, from that of don Cosme Churruca and don F. Fidalgo, captains in the spanish navy
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The London Literary Gazette, and Journal of Belles Lettres, Arts, Sciences, & C .. 1822. No. 278-279.18-25 may.Saturday
The London literary gazette, and journal of belles lettres, arts, sciences, & c.[London: Б. и., 1822].
1822. №№ 278-279. 18-25 may. Saturday. [1822].
The London literary gazette, and journal of belles lettres, arts...The London literary gazette, and journal of belles lettres, arts, sciences, & c.. 1822. №№ 278-279. 18-25 may. Saturday...1822. №№ 278-279. 18-25 may. Saturday The London literary gazette, and journal of belles lettres, arts, sciences, & c....The London literary gazette, and journal of belles lettres, arts, sciences, & c....The London literary gazette, and journal of belles lettres, arts, sciences, & c.
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Leaflet "The great strike in Russia" with an appeal to the British people to help striking workers in Russia, signed by the "Free Russian Press Foundation" and British workers and political organizations
ЧАЙКОВСКИЙ НИКОЛАЙ ВАСИЛЬЕВИЧ, УЧАСТНИК РЕВОЛЮЦИОННОГО ДВИЖЕНИЯ 1870-х гг., СОЗДАТЕЛЬ ОБЩЕСТВА "ЧАЙКОВЦЕВ", ЧЛЕН ПАРТИИ СОЦИАЛИСТОВ-РЕВОЛЮЦИОНЕРОВ, ГЛАВА ВЕРХОВНОГО УПРАВЛЕНИЯ СЕВЕРНОЙ ОБЛАСТИ,. Листовка "The great strike in Russia" с призывом к английскому народу оказать помощь бастующим рабочим в России, подписанная "Фондом вольной русской прессы" и английскими рабочими и политическими организациями. [1896].
Листовка "The great strike in Russia" с призывом к английскому народу оказать помощь... под заголовком "The great strike in Russia" ("Крупная забастовка в России") по поводу петербургской...Листовка "The great strike in Russia" с призывом к английскому народу оказать помощь бастующим...Листовка "The great strike in Russia" с призывом к английскому народу оказать помощь бастующим раб...анизаций к английскому народу под заголовком "The great strike in Russia" ("Крупная забастовка в России") по поводу петербургской забастовки [1896 г.]...Листовка "The great strike in Russia" с призывом к английскому народу оказать помощь бастующим..." и английских политических и рабочих организаций к английскому народу под заголовком "The great strike...Листовка "The great strike in Russia" с призывом к английскому народу оказать помощь бастующим раб...ссы" и английских политических и рабочих организаций к английскому народу под заголовком "The great str
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Civil War and Intervention in Siberia and the Far East in the estimates of American periodic press (end of 1917 - April 1920): According to the materials of the newspaper "The New York Times"
Гражданская война и интервенция в Сибири и на Дальнем Востоке в оценках американской периодической печати (конец 1917 – апрель 1920 гг.): по материалам газеты “The New York Times”. 2014.
американской периодической печати (конец 1917 – апрель 1920 гг.): по материалам газеты “The New York Times... печати (конец 1917 – апрель 1920 гг.): по материалам газеты “The New York Times”...иодической печати (конец 1917 – апрель 1920 гг.): по материалам газеты “The New York Times” Глущенко Н.А.... печати (конец 1917 – апрель 1920 гг.): по материалам газеты “The New York Times”...иодической печати (конец 1917 – апрель 1920 гг.): по материалам газеты “The New York Times”
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Oriental and Western Siberia: A Narrative of Seven Years' Explorations and Adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, The Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary and Part of Central Asia
Oriental and western Siberia: a narrative of seven years' explorations and adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, The kirghis steppes, Chinese Tartary and part of Central Asia. 1859.
and adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, The kirghis steppes, Chinese Tartary and part of Central Asia..., Mongolia, The kirghis steppes, Chinese Tartary and part of Central Asia...eria, Mongolia, The kirghis steppes, Chinese Tartary and part of Central Asia Atkinson, T.W...., Mongolia, The kirghis steppes, Chinese Tartary and part of Central Asia...eria, Mongolia, The kirghis steppes, Chinese Tartary and part of Central Asia
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"The man who built Rasputins death chamber." Fragment of biography (autobiography from the 3rd person?) A.Ya. Beloborodova (English).
«The man who built Rasputins death chamber». Фрагмент биографии (автобиографии от 3-го лица?) А.Я. Белобородова (англ.яз).
«The man who built Rasputins death chamber». Фрагмент биографии (автобиографии...«The man who built Rasputins death chamber». Фрагмент биографии (автобиографии от 3-го лица?) А.Я. Белобородова (англ.яз)....«The man who built Rasputins death chamber». Фрагмент биографии (автобиографии от 3-го лица?) А.Я. Белобородова (англ.яз)....«The man who built Rasputins death chamber». Фрагмент биографии (автобиографии от 3-го лица?) А.Я. Белобородова (англ.яз)....«The man who built Rasputins death chamber». Фрагмент биографии (автобиографии от 3-го лица?) А.Я. Белобородова (англ.яз).
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Geographical sketch of Talyshka = Lebedev, N. N. The Talyschographic study. Proceedings of the Soil Institute. prof. V.V. Dokuchaeva / N.N. Lebedev
Географический очерк Талыша = Lebedev, N. N. The Talysch geographical study. Труды Почвенного института им. проф. В. В. Докучаева / Н.Н. Лебедев. 1941.
Географический очерк Талыша = Lebedev, N. N. The Talysch geographical study...Географический очерк Талыша = Lebedev, N. N. The Talysch geographical study. Труды Почвенного института им. проф. В. В. Докучаева / Н.Н. Лебедев...Географический очерк Талыша = Lebedev, N. N. The Talysch geographical study. Труды Почвенного института им. проф. В. В. Докучаева / Н.Н. Лебедев Лебедев Н.Н....Географический очерк Талыша = Lebedev, N. N. The Talysch geographical study. Труды Почвенного института им. проф. В. В. Докучаева / Н.Н. Лебедев...Географический очерк Талыша = Lebedev, N. N. The Talysch geographical study. Труды Почвенного института им. проф. В. В. Докучаева / Н.Н. Лебедев
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The Moscow Kremlin. Spasskaya (St Florus') Tower. 1491. Architect, Pietro Solari. St Basil's Cathedral. 1555 - 61. Architects, Barma and Postnik
The Moscow Kremlin. Spasskaya (St Florus’) Tower. 1491. Architect, Pietro Solari. St Basil’s Cathedral. 1555 – 61. Architects, Barma and Postnik.
The Moscow Kremlin. Spasskaya (St Florus’) Tower. 1491. Architect, Pietro...The Moscow Kremlin. Spasskaya (St Florus’) Tower. 1491. Architect, Pietro Solari. St Basil’s Cathedral. 1555 – 61. Architects, Barma and Postnik...The Moscow Kremlin. Spasskaya (St Florus’) Tower. 1491. Architect, Pietro Solari. St Basil’s Cathedral. 1555 – 61. Architects, Barma and Postnik...The Moscow Kremlin. Spasskaya (St Florus’) Tower. 1491. Architect, Pietro Solari. St Basil’s Cathedral. 1555 – 61. Architects, Barma and Postnik...The Moscow Kremlin. Spasskaya (St Florus’) Tower. 1491. Architect, Pietro Solari. St Basil’s Cathedral. 1555 – 61. Architects, Barma and Postnik
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The Soviet Far East in the Stalin and posttalin era = The Soviet Far East in Stalin and Post-Stalin Periods: a collection of scientific articles
Советский Дальний Восток в сталинскую и постсталинскую эпохи = The Soviet Far East in Stalin and post-Stalin periods : сборник научных статей. 2014.
Советский Дальний Восток в сталинскую и постсталинскую эпохи = The Soviet Far...Советский Дальний Восток в сталинскую и постсталинскую эпохи = The Soviet Far East in Stalin and post-Stalin periods : сборник научных статей...Советский Дальний Восток в сталинскую и постсталинскую эпохи = The Soviet Far East in Stalin and post-Stalin periods : сборник научных статей...Советский Дальний Восток в сталинскую и постсталинскую эпохи = The Soviet Far East in Stalin and post-Stalin periods : сборник научных статей...Советский Дальний Восток в сталинскую и постсталинскую эпохи = The Soviet Far East in Stalin and post-Stalin periods : сборник научных статей
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The History of the Trial of Warren Hastings, Esq.Late Governor-General of Bengal, Before The High Court of Parliament in Westminster-Hall, On An Impeachment by the Commons of Great-Britain, For High Crimes and Misdemeanours
The history of the trial of Warren Hastings, Esq. late Governor-General of Bengal, before the High Court of Parliament in Westminster-Hall, on an impeachment by the commons of Great-Britain, for high crimes and misdemeanours. London : Printed for J. Debrett, and Vernor and Hood, 1796.
The history of the trial of Warren Hastings, Esq. late Governor-General...The history of the trial of Warren Hastings, Esq. late Governor-General of Bengal, before the High...The history of the trial of Warren Hastings, Esq. late Governor-General of Bengal, before the Hig...h Court of Parliament in Westminster-Hall, on an impeachment by the commons of Great-Britain, for hig...h crimes and misdemeanours Containing the whole of the proceedings and debates in both houses of par...il 23, 1795 To which is added, an account of the proceedings of various general courts of the honourable Uni...The history of the trial of Warren Hastings, Esq. late Governor-General of Bengal, before the High...The history of the trial of Warren Hastings, Esq. late Governor-General of Bengal, before the Hig...h Court of Parliament in Westminster-Hall, on an impeachment by the commons of Great-Britain, for high crimes and misdemeanours...Containing the whole of the proceedings and debates in both houses of parliament, relating to tha...To which is added, an account of the proceedings of various general courts of the honourable Uni
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The Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery, Performed in His Majesty's Vessel The Lady Nelson, of Sixty Tons Burthen, With Sliding Keels, In the EEARS 1800, 1801 and 1802, TO NEW SOU Th Wales
Grant, James. The narrative of a voyage of discovery, performed in His Majesty's vessel the Lady Nelson, of sixty tons burthen, with sliding keels, in the years 1800, 1801 and 1802, to new South Wales. London : For T. Egerton, military library, 1803.
Grant, James
The narrative of a voyage of discovery, performed in His Majesty's... cutter : The whole illustrated with elegant engravings / By James Grant, lieutenant in the royal navy...The narrative of a voyage of discovery, performed in His Majesty's vessel the Lady Nelson, of sixty...The narrative of a voyage of discovery, performed in His Majesty's vessel the Lady Nelson, of six...ty tons burthen, with sliding keels, in the years 1800, 1801 and 1802, to new South Wales Inc...luding remarks on the Cape de Verd Islands, Cape of Good Hope, the hitherto Unknown parts of New Holland, dis...covered by him in his passage (the first ever attempted from Europe) through the Streight sep...arating that Island from the Land discovered by Van Dieman: Together with various details of his int...The narrative of a voyage of discovery, performed in His Majesty's vessel the Lady Nelson, of sixty...The whole illustrated with elegant engravings...The narrative of a voyage of discovery, performed in His Majesty's vessel the Lady Nelson, of six...ty tons burthen, with sliding keels, in the years 1800, 1801 and 1802, to new South Wales...Including remarks on the Cape de Verd Islands, Cape of Good Hope, the hitherto Unknown parts of New... Holland, discovered by him in his passage (the first ever attempted from Europe) through the Str...eight separating that Island from the Land discovered by Van Dieman: Together with various det
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Report by Julia Kagansky, art blogger, social communications specialist, curator of The Creators Project (New York, USA) at Session 3. Art criticism and modern media
Кагански, Джулия (блоггер, специалист по социальным коммуникациям MoMA). Доклад Джулии Кагански, арт-блогера, специалиста по социальным коммуникациям, куратора The Creators Project (Нью-Йорк, США) на Сессии 3. Художественная критика и современные средства информации. Санкт-Петербург : Президентская библиотека им. Б. Н. Ельцина, 2011.
Доклад Джулии Кагански, арт-блогера, специалиста по социальным коммуникациям, куратора The...Доклад Джулии Кагански, арт-блогера, специалиста по социальным коммуникациям, куратора The Creators...Доклад Джулии Кагански, арт-блогера, специалиста по социальным коммуникациям, куратора The Cre...Доклад Джулии Кагански, арт-блогера, специалиста по социальным коммуникациям, куратора The Creators...Доклад Джулии Кагански, арт-блогера, специалиста по социальным коммуникациям, куратора The Cre
Description and use of "The Sectograph", principally intended for the purpose of dividing right lines into equal parts, measuring, laying down, or dividing angles, and inscribing polygons in the circle, & c.
Description and use of "The Sectograph", principally intended for the purpose of dividing right lines into equal parts, measuring, laying down, or dividing angles, and inscribing polygons in the circle, & c.London : Printed by Richard and Arthur Taylor, 1814.
Description and use of "The Sectograph", principally intended for the purpose...Description and use of "The Sectograph", principally intended for the purpose of dividing right...Description and use of "The Sectograph", principally intended for the purpose of dividing right lin...es into equal parts, measuring, laying down, or dividing angles, and inscribing polygons in the cir...Description and use of "The Sectograph", principally intended for the purpose of dividing right...Description and use of "The Sectograph", principally intended for the purpose of dividing right lin...es into equal parts, measuring, laying down, or dividing angles, and inscribing polygons in the circle, & c.
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The original astronomical observations made in the course of a voyage to the Northern Pacific ocean, for the discovery of a north east or north west passage: wherein the north west coast of America and north east coast of Asia were explored
Cooke, James. The original astronomical observations made in the course of a voyage to the Northern Pacific ocean, for the discovery of a north east or north west passage: wherein the north west coast of America and north east coast of Asia were explored. London : Printed by William Richardson, 1782.
Cooke, James
The original astronomical observations made in the course...The original astronomical observations made in the course of a voyage to the Northern Pacific ocean...The original astronomical observations made in the course of a voyage to the Northern Pacific oce...an, for the discovery of a north east or north west passage: wherein the north west coast of Ame...rica and north east coast of Asia were explored In His Majesty's Ships the Resolution and Dis...covery, in the years MDCCLXXVI, MDCCLXXVII, MDCCLXXVIII, MDCCLXXIX, and MDCCLXXX By captain James Coo...ke, F. R. S. commander of the Resolution, and lieutenant James King; and ms. William Bayly, Late assistant at the royal observatory...The original astronomical observations made in the course of a voyage to the Northern Pacific ocean...The original astronomical observations made in the course of a voyage to the Northern Pacific oce...an, for the discovery of a north east or north west passage: wherein the north west coast of America and north east coast of Asia were explored...In His Majesty's Ships the Resolution and Discovery, in the years MDCCLXXVI, MDCCLXXVII, MDCCLXXVIII, MDCCLXXIX, and MDCCLXXX...By captain James Cooke, F. R. S. commander of the Resolution, and lieutenant James King; and... ms. William Bayly, Late assistant at the royal observatory
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The American Coast Pilot, Containing The Courses and Distances Between The Principal Harbours, Capes, and Headlands, From PassamacucuDy, Through The Gulf of Florida;With Directions for Sailing Into the Same, Describing the Soundings, Bearings of the Light-Houses and Beacons from the Rocks, Shoals, Ledges, & C.
Blunt, Edmund M.The American coast pilot, containing the courses and distances between the principal harbours, capes, and headlands, from Passamaquoddy, through the Gulf of Florida; with directions for sailing into the same, describing the soundings, bearings of the light-houses and beacons from the rocks, shoals, ledges, &c.New-York : Printed for Edmund M. Blunt, 1817.
Blunt, Edmund M.
The American coast pilot, containing the courses and distances...The American coast pilot, containing the courses and distances between the principal harbours...The American coast pilot, containing the courses and distances between the principal harbours, cap...es, and headlands, from Passamaquoddy, through the Gulf of Florida; with directions for sailing int...o the same, describing the soundings, bearings of the light-houses and beacons from the rocks, sho...als, ledges, &c. Together with the courses and distances from cape Cod and cape Ann to George's Ban...k, through the south and east channels, and the settings of the currents: with the latitudes and lon...The American coast pilot, containing the courses and distances between the principal harbours...The American coast pilot, containing the courses and distances between the principal harbours, cap...es, and headlands, from Passamaquoddy, through the Gulf of Florida; with directions for sailing int...o the same, describing the soundings, bearings of the light-houses and beacons from the rocks, shoals, ledges, &c....Together with the courses and distances from cape Cod and cape Ann to George's Bank, through the... south and east channels, and the settings of the currents: with the latitudes and longitudes of the
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The new sailing directory for the Bay of Biscay, from Ushant to cape Finisterre, and for the coasts of Spain and Portugal, thence to cape Trafalgar: describing, most particularly, all the harbours, channels, tides, currents, &c.& c.
Purdy, John. The new sailing directory for the Bay of Biscay, from Ushant to cape Finisterre, and for the coasts of Spain and Portugal, thence to cape Trafalgar: describing, most particularly, all the harbours, channels, tides, currents, &c. &c.London : Printed for R.H. Laurie, chart-seller to the Admiralty, the Right Hon. corporation of Trinity-House, &c., 1833.
Purdy, John
The new sailing directory for the Bay of Biscay, from Ushant to cape... John Purdy, hydrographer. - The second edition, materially improved; with the pharonology...The new sailing directory for the Bay of Biscay, from Ushant to cape Finisterre, and for the coasts...Printed for R.H. Laurie, chart-seller to the Admiralty, the Right Hon. corporation of Trinity-House, &c....The new sailing directory for the Bay of Biscay, from Ushant to cape Finisterre, and for the coa...sts of Spain and Portugal, thence to cape Trafalgar: describing, most particularly, all the har...bours, channels, tides, currents, &c. &c. Compiled and arranged from the valuable documents and sur...veys of the french marine and of don Vincente Tofino, of M. Beautemps Beaupre, of captain William Henry Smy...th, f.r.s. k.f.m., and other officers of the British navy, &c. By John Purdy, hydrographer...The new sailing directory for the Bay of Biscay, from Ushant to cape Finisterre, and for the coasts...The new sailing directory for the Bay of Biscay, from Ushant to cape Finisterre, and for the coa...sts of Spain and Portugal, thence to cape Trafalgar: describing, most particularly, all the harbours, channels, tides, currents, &c. &c....Compiled and arranged from the valuable documents and surveys of the french marine and of don Vin...cente Tofino, of M. Beautemps Beaupre, of captain William Henry Smyth, f.r.s. k.f.m., and other officers of the British navy, &c.
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Methods of historical classes.The Metods of Historical Study.Eight Lectures Read in The University of Oxford in Michaelmas Term 1884 with the Inaugural Lecture On The Office of the Historical ProfFessor by Edward A. Freeman.(Methods of historical classes. Eight lectures read in Oxford University in the fall of 1884 with the addition of the introductory lecture on the responsibilities of Professor of History, Eduard A. Freemann).London.1886.
Бестужев-Рюмин, Константин Николаевич (1829-1897). Методы исторических занятий. The metods of historical study. Eight lectures read in the University of Oxford in Michaelmas term 1884 with the inaugural lecture on the office of the historical proffessor by Edward A. Freeman. (Методы исторических занятий. Восемь лекций, прочитанных в Оксфордском университете осенью 1884 г. с прибавлением вступительной лекции об обязанностях профессора истории, Эдуарда А. Фримана). London. 1886. [Санкт-...
. The metods of historical study. Eight lectures read in the University of Oxford in Michaelmas term...Методы исторических занятий. The metods of historical study. Eight lectures read in the University...Методы исторических занятий. The metods of historical study. Eight lectures read in the Uni...versity of Oxford in Michaelmas term 1884 with the inaugural lecture on the office of the historical pro...арда А. Фримана). London. 1886 [К. Бестужев-Рюмин] The metods of the historycal study Методы ист...орических занятий Eight lectures read in the University of Oxford in Michaelmas term 1884 with the ina...ugural lecture on the office of the historical proffessor by Edward A. Freeman und Журнал Министерства народного просвещения 1887, февр....Методы исторических занятий. The metods of historical study. Eight lectures read in the University...The metods of the historycal study...Методы исторических занятий. The metods of historical study. Eight lectures read in the Uni...versity of Oxford in Michaelmas term 1884 with the inaugural lecture on the office of the historical pro...The metods of the historycal study...Eight lectures read in the University of Oxford in Michaelmas term 1884 with the inaugural lec...ture on the office of the historical proffessor by Edward A. Freeman
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