From the proclamation of the Russian Empire to the end of the reign of Catherine the Great. 1721-1796
From the proclamation of the Russian Empire to the end of the reign of Catherine the Great. 1721-1796
Reflections ("Reflexions") on the situation in Prussia on January 15, 1789.
BENKENDORFI. ALOPEUSES. Shuvalov. Benckendorff Alexander Konstantinovich, count, ambassador in Denmark, England. 18 ?? - 1916. Benckendorff Konstantin, father of AK Benkendorf, military agent in Berlin, envoy at the Württemberg court. 1817-1858. Benckendorff Konstantin Khristoforovich, grandfather AK Benckendorff, Adjutant-General, participant in the Patriotic War of 1812, the Russian-Persian war of 1826-1828, the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829. 1785-1828. Alopeus Maxim Maximovich, a relative of Benckendorff, an envoy in Berlin. 1748-1822. Shuvalov Petr Pavlovich, justice of the...
Государственный архив Российской Федерации
Letters to the Prussian King
BENKENDORFI. ALOPEUSES. Shuvalov. Benckendorff Alexander Konstantinovich, count, ambassador in Denmark, England. 18 ?? - 1916. Benckendorff Konstantin, father of AK Benkendorf, military agent in Berlin, envoy at the Württemberg court. 1817-1858. Benckendorff Konstantin Khristoforovich, grandfather AK Benckendorff, Adjutant-General, participant in the Patriotic War of 1812, the Russian-Persian war of 1826-1828, the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829. 1785-1828. Alopeus Maxim Maximovich, a relative of Benckendorff, an envoy in Berlin. 1748-1822. Shuvalov Petr Pavlovich, justice of the...
Государственный архив Российской Федерации
Journal of the stay in St. Petersburg of their Grace princesses of Baden in 1793
Journal of the stay in St. Petersburg of their Grace princesses of Baden in 1793. St. Petersburg: Type. Dep. ugel, 1892.
Diplomatic relations between Russia and the Brandenburg-Prussian state in the middle of the 17th century
Prudovsky, Pyotr Igorevich
Diplomatic relations between Russia and the Brandenburg-Prussian state in the middle of the XVII century. Moscow, 2008.
Union of princes and the German policy of Catherine II, Frederick II, Joseph II
Trachevsky, Alexander Semenovich (1838-1906). Union of princes and the German policy of Catherine II, Frederick II, Joseph II. St. Petersburg: type. M. M. Stasyulevich, 1877.