World War I. 1914-1918
World War I. 1914-1918
On the establishment of a special committee to combat German domination, Part 1. 25 February - 22 October
Russia. Council of Ministers. On the establishment of a special committee to combat German domination, Part 1. 25 February - 22 October. 1916.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
On the establishment of a special committee to combat German domination, Part 2. March 22 - August 30
Russia. Council of Ministers. On the establishment of a special committee to combat German domination, Part 2. March 22 - August 30. 1916.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
The culprits of the war. T. 1. 1. England and Germany. 2. Luxembourg
The culprits of the war. Petrograd: printing house of publishing house "Power of the Earth", 1917.
T. 1: 1. England and Germany; 2. Luxembourg. 1917.
T. 1: 1. England and Germany; 2. Luxembourg. 1917.
Warring Germany
Warring Germany. Petrograd: type. and bookbinding A.N. Lavrov and Co., 1915.
The World War of 1914-1918. and the coming wars
Pavlovich, Mikhail Pavlovich (1871-1927). The World War of 1914-1918. and the coming wars. Leningrad: State Publishing House, 1925.
Correspondence of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers with different persons on various issues: on the need to mow the bread in the areas left by the Russian population, and on the organization of the evacuees; on the provision of food aid to Romania; on the release of the Ministry of Railways from payment of duty for the rails ordered abroad; about the transmission to the Council of Ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of materials on the legislative measures taken in France and Germany in connection with the war; on the forwarding of various publications and others on January 13, 1915 - January 3, 1916. Speech of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers IL Goremykin in the meeting of the State. The Duma on January 27, 1915. Ll. 5 - 10. Reports of meetings of the French Chamber of Deputies on December 23, 1914 and the German Reichstag on December 1, 1914. Ll. 11 - 22
Russia. Council of Ministers. Correspondence of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers with different persons on various issues: on the need to mow the bread in the areas left by the Russian population, and on the organization of the evacuees; on the provision of food aid to Romania; on the release of the Ministry of Railways from payment of duty for the rails ordered abroad; about the transmission to the Council of Ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of materials on the legislative measures taken in France and Germany in connection with the war; on the forwarding of...
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
Correspondence between the Chairman of the Council of Ministers and various institutions on various issues: the revolutionary propaganda among Russian prisoners of war in Germany; on the need to provide the army with ammunition and food, etc. September 1 - December 30
Russia. Council of Ministers. Correspondence between the Chairman of the Council of Ministers and various institutions on various issues: the revolutionary propaganda among Russian prisoners of war in Germany; on the need to provide the army with ammunition and food, etc. September 1 - December 30. 1916.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
Correspondence with the Minister of the Interior on the search of the Danish Vice-Consul in the mountains. Omsk Vashteda, which is a mediator in the secret communications between prisoners of war, stationed in Siberia, and Germany. October 4 - December 4
Russia. Council of Ministers. Correspondence with the Minister of the Interior on the search of the Danish Vice-Consul in the mountains. Omsk Vashteda, which is a mediator in the secret communications between prisoners of war, stationed in Siberia, and Germany. October 4 - December 4. 1915.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
Correspondence with the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the possibility of exchanging Russian generals Freze, Bobylev, Stavrovsky, Nekrashevich, Sokolovsky, Kharin and adm. Skrydlov, who were in captivity in Germany, on diplomatic German representatives in Petrograd and on the statement of the Turkish government about the eviction from Turkey of Russian subjects of Jews who did not accept Turkish citizenship within a month. December 16, 1914 - January 30, 1915
Russia. Council of Ministers. Correspondence with the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the possibility of exchanging Russian generals Freze, Bobylev, Stavrovsky, Nekrashevich, Sokolovsky, Kharin and adm. Skrydlov, who were in captivity in Germany, on diplomatic German representatives in Petrograd and on the statement of the Turkish government about the eviction from Turkey of Russian subjects of Jews who did not accept Turkish citizenship within a month. December 16, 1914 - January 30, 1915. 1914 - 1915.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
Correspondence with various institutions, societies and individuals and the journals of the Special Committee to Combat German Enforcement to liquidate joint-stock companies, partnerships, trading houses, firms and factories of subjects of the countries at war with Russia, and the liquidation of the Special Committee to Combat German Dominance. October 17, 1916 - August 31, 1917
Russia. Council of Ministers. Correspondence with various institutions, societies and individuals and the journals of the Special Committee to Combat German Enforcement to liquidate joint-stock companies, partnerships, trading houses, firms and factories of subjects of the countries at war with Russia, and the liquidation of the Special Committee to Combat German Dominance. October 17, 1916 - August 31, 1917, 1916-1917.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"