50th anniversary of scientific activity

50th anniversary of scientific activity

Letter of the barons of Taube D.I. Ilovaisky

Ilovaysky Dmitry Ivanovich (1832-1920), professor of history of Moscow University, editor-publishing house of the newspaper Kremlin.Letter of the barons of Taube D. I. Ilovaysky.
Federal state institution "Russian State Historical Archive"

Letters M. Troitsky D. I. Ilovaysky

Ilovaysky Dmitry Ivanovich (1832-1920), professor of history of Moscow University, editor-publishing house of the newspaper Kremlin.Letters of M. Troitsky D. I. Ilovaysky.
Federal state institution "Russian State Historical Archive"

Letter of Scheudurov D. I. Ilovaisky

Ilovaysky Dmitry Ivanovich (1832-1920), professor of history of Moscow University, editor-publishing house of the newspaper Kremlin.Letter of Samodurov D. I. Ilovaysky.
Federal state institution "Russian State Historical Archive"

Letter Pavel Sheremetev D. I. Ilovaisky

Ilovaysky Dmitry Ivanovich (1832-1920), professor of history of Moscow University, editor-publishing house of the newspaper Kremlin.The letter of Pavel Sheremetev D. I. Ilovaysky.
Federal state institution "Russian State Historical Archive"
