Social structure
Social structure
The case at the request of the nobleman of the Minsk province of the third guild of the merchant Nikolai Lavrentiev Vitkovsky about the permission to go to Königsberg
Police Department of the Executive Ministry.The case at the request of the nobleman of the Minsk province of the third guild of the merchant Nikolai Lavrentiev Vitkovsky about the permission to go to Königsberg.
The case in relation to the Riga military governor, the Livonia, Estland and Courland Governor General of the permitted son of Joogan Friedrich George Clue to stay in Koenigsberg for two years
Police Department of the Executive Ministry.The case against the Riga military governor, Livonia, Estland and Courland Governor-General of the permitting son of Joogan Friedrich George Clue to remain in Koenigsberg for two years.