Letter to his grace the Duke of Wellington, K.G., upon the actual crisis of the country in respect to the state of the navy

    Letter to his grace the Duke of Wellington, K.G., upon the actual crisis of the country in respect to the state of the navy / By a flag officer ; The Navy. - London : James Nisbet and Co; Hatchsrd and son; a Simpkin, Marshall, and Co, 1838. -50, 18, 8, 4, 18, 8 с. : табл.. -
Экз.: без обл., с рукоп. помет.
I. Wellington, K.G. (duke). II. The Navy.1. Территория (коллекция).
Источник электронной копии: ПБ
Место хранения оригинала: ЦВМБ
Издательство James Nisbet and Co; Hatchsrd and son; a Simpkin, Marshall, and Co

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