The educational project of the Presidential Library and "Artek" has been actively developing
April 11, 2018 at 10:00 in the Presidential Library will be held "Video lecture – to school" for the pupils of the school of the international children's center "Artek". The event is held within the framework of the joint educational project of the Presidential Library and “Artek”. The lecture will be included in the program of the network educational module of the school.
In his speech "Two leaders of the Troubles: False Dmitry and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky", the head of the department of ancient history of Russia of the St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the author of scientific works on Russian history and culture, Doctor of Historical Sciences Pavel Sedov will compare two bright figures of the early XVII century, one of which contributed to the emergence of the Troubles, the other to its cessation. The video lecture will also highlight the most discussed issues of the history of the Time of Troubles, analyzed the legitimacy of using the terms "peasant war", "intervention", "civil war" as applied to the events of the XVII century, touching on alternatives to Russia's development in the Time of Troubles, the statehood that established itself this historical period.
Participants of the event in the mode of video-conference communication will be pupils of 7-8 grades of the school of the international children's center "Artek" in the Republic of Crimea, in the Presidential Library - schoolchildren of 7-9 grades of gymnasiums of St. Petersburg.
The Presidential Library and the International Children's Center "Artek" arrange a series of joint video lectures devoted to the most important events in the history of Russia. This educational project is being developed within the framework of the cooperation agreement signed by the institutions on June 13, 2017. The initiative is aimed at ensuring moral and patriotic education of young people.
Accreditation for media representatives is available until 12:00 April 10, 2018.
Applications for accreditation should be sent in the attached form with the note "Media accreditation" to e-mail addresses: media@prlib.ru, hudjakova@prlib.ru, Alexandra Khudyakova, tel.: (812) 305-16-21, ext. 167; mob.: +7 981 788-28-08.
The letter should contain the full name, date and place of birth, passport data (series, number, place of registration), a list of carry-on equipment, contact numbers, name of the media.
Please, note, that the entrance to the Presidential Library is carried out only upon prior request and upon showing a passport: participants and guests of the event go through entrance № 1, representatives of the media go through entrance № 2.