The Presidential Library to show best works of “KInoostrov” Festival

19 June 2018

The commemorative 100th meeting of the Presidential Library’s cinema club is opening on June 19, 2018 at 4 p.m. It will feature the show of the winning works of the All-Russian Children’s Film Festival "Kinoostrov" (Cinema Island).

The meeting of the Presidential library's cinema club will launch the show of films winning in four categories: made by non-professional filmmakers at school or at home; filmed in specialized cinema and video associations, study groups or studios; films made by adult authors - professionals, students and graduates of film universities or film associations, television workers; films made within the framework of the film educational program of "Kinoostrov" cinema festival.

The mission of "Kinoostrov" cinema festival is to help the growing generation in shaping their creative world view, to encourage the interest in making films of different kinds (fiction, animated, documentary) aimed at children and youth, as well as to involve children and young people in the world of cinema.

The meeting of the club will be held at the multimedia hall of the Presidential Library: (Senate Square, 3). Please, confirm your participation via phone   (812) 305-16-35; +7 921 594-16-13 or e-mail:, Elena Smolina.


Accreditation of media representatives is until 5 p.m. June 17 2018.

Applications for accreditation should be sent in the attached form with “Accreditation” note via email:, Tatjana Pechnikova phone: (812) 305-16-21, extension number 534; mobile phone: +7 921 998-06-78. The attached form should feature the full name, the date and the place of birth, passport data (series, number, place of registration), the list of technical equipment, contact phone numbers, the media name.

We draw your attention to the fact that the entrance to the Presidential Library is possible only upon showing a passport and having a preliminary application: guests and participants of the event go through the entrance № 1, media representatives go through the entrance № 2.