The Presidential Library hosts events dedicated to the Knowledge Forum

3–7 September 2018

Program of the Knowledge Forum

August 31

10:30–14:00 – tutorial workshop "Use of the Presidential Library Resources in School Education" (multimedia room of the Presidential Library, C+D sector).

September 3

12:00–14:00 – launch of the Knowledge Forum. Academic and education conference “Constitutional Development of Russia. XX century” (multimedia hall, C+D sector). The event will be broadcast live on the Presidential Library portal in the “Live broadcast” section.

15:00–16:00 – «Video lecture – to school»: open lesson of the Constitution of the total winner of the All-Russian Contest “Teacher of the year – 2017” I. S. Demakov (multimedia hall, sector S+D). The event will be broadcast live on the Presidential Library portal in the “Live broadcast” section.

September 4

10:00–12:00 – academic and education conference  «Naval Knowledge Day in the Presidential Library» (conference-hall). The event will be broadcast live on the Presidential Library portal in the “Live broadcast” section.

September 5

11:00–14:00 – launch of the multimedia lesson of the Constitution (multimedia hall, А or В sectors).

15:00–17:00 – Presidential Library’s cinema lecture «What happened in autumn of 1993?» (multimedia hall, sector C).

15:30–17:15 - meeting of the Head of the Karachayevo-Circassian Republic Rashid Borisovich Temrezov with students (multimedia hall, sector D).

September 6

10:00–12:00 – video lecture «Knowledge of Russia»: «Constitutional Justice in Russia and Abroad» (multimedia hall, sector C+D). The event will be broadcast live on the Presidential Library portal in the “Live broadcast” section.

10:00–14:00 – multimedia lesson of the Constitution (multimedia hall, sector А or В).

10:00–14:00 – educative tour «Language Policy: Identity and Common Ground» (multimedia hall, sector А or В).

September 7

11:00–12:00 – conference on teaching with the participation of representatives of educational authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation,  teachers, dedicated to the presentation of the educational project «Gosudarika» (conference room)

10:00–14:00 – multimedia lesson of the Constitution (multimedia hall, sector А or В).

10:00–14:00 – educative tour "Language Policy: Identity and Common Ground" (multimedia hall, sector A or B).

12:00-12.30 - signing of agreements on cooperation between the Presidential Library and the House of Friendship and Nationalities of Leningrad Region and with the public organization "Judo Club "Turbostroitel" (entrance room of the conference room).