Films by Pavel Glazkov, dedicated to the World Animal Day, to be shown in the Presidential Library
October 31, 2018 at 16:00 the Presidential Library will host the 105th cinema club meeting, dedicated to the World Animal Day. On this day, the audience will have a meeting with the biologist Pavel Glazkov, a naturalist, candidate of biological sciences, who leads the video blog “Two of every kind” which tells about animals living in Leningrad Region. His motto is love for nature through its knowledge.
The program includes two premieres - the films "Wood Grouse" and "Stickleback". The first film tells about the legendary and the largest bird of our forests. The wood grouse has a unique feature - a brief stall during the execution of its spring marriage song. In spring wood grouses are very aggressive. There are cases of attacks of wood grouses even on humans. Filming took place in the suburbs of St. Petersburg.
Stickleback, its underwater world are presented in the second film. Viewers will learn new interesting details from its life. In the three-needle stickleback, according to biologists, only the male takes care of the progeny. The main part of the film was taken by the author in the White Sea, at the biological stations of St. Petersburg State University and the Zoological Institute.
Co-organizers of the cinema club are the Lennauchfilm Film Studio, the St. Petersburg Documentary Film Studio, the Russian Institute of Art History and the Youth Center of the Cinematographers Union of the Russian Federation.
The cinema club meeting will be held in the multimedia room of the Presidential Library at the address: Senate Square, 3.
For all questions, please, call: (812) 305-16-35; +7 921 594-16-13 or send an email: smolina@prlib.ru, Elena Viktorovna Smolina.
Accreditation of media representatives is available until 15 p.m. October 30, 2018.
Please, send applications for accreditation following the attached form to the email address: hudjakova@prlib.ru, Alexandra Khudyakova, the Presidential Library’s press-service, tel. (812) 305-16-21, ext. 167; mob. +7 981 788-28-08.
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Please, note, that the entrance to the Presidential Library is carried out only upon prior request and upon showing a passport: participants and guests of the event go through entrance № 1, media representatives go through entrance №. 2.