VI International Forum "Eurasian Economic Perspective" to be held in the Presidential Library
December 11, 2018 at 10:00 the Presidential Library will host the VI International Forum "Eurasian Economic Perspective".
The event is organized by Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics with the support of the Interstate Development Corporation. The St. Petersburg Administration and the Eurasian Association of Universities became co-organizers of the VI International Forum.
The Forum’s program will include a plenary session and five round tables, which will be attended by representatives of the legislative and executive authorities of the countries participating in the Eurasian Economic Integration, members of the Eurasian Economic Commission, scientists and experts from leading universities of the Eurasian Association of Universities, economists, politicians and public figures, representatives of the business community.
This year announced the following round table topics: “Parliamentary and international cooperation in the mega-region “Greater Eurasia””; “Humanitarian bases of cooperation in the countries - participants of the Eurasian integration: the development of a system of common values”; “Global Challenges of the Present and Perspectives of the Development of Eurasian and International Law”; “Eurasian Economic Integration: Implementation of Development Priorities in the Context of Global Changes”; "Youth in the development of Eurasian integration".
Fedortsov Alexander Adamovich, Judge of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union; Sergey Stepanovich Shukhno - Director of the Integration Development Department of the Eurasian Economic Integration; Ivanov Sergey Igorevich - Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee - Executive Secretary of the Commonwealth of Independent States; Igor Maksimtsev - Rector of Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics; Korzhova Natalia Artyomovna - President of Financial Academy Academy of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Polyakov Ivan Viktorovich - Director General of the Interstate Development Corporation – all of them will speak at the plenary session.
More information about the event and the organizers is available at: www.eurasia-forum.unecon.ru.
Work plan of media representatives on December 11, 2018:
09:00–09:45 Passage of media representatives.
09:45–10:00 Press scrum to keynote speakers of the plenary session.
10:00–12:00 Work on the coverage of the plenary session.
13:00–14:30 Work on the coverage of round tables.
15:00–17:00 Work on the coverage of round tables.
Accreditation of media representatives is available until 12:00, December 10, 2018.
Please, forward applications for accreditation following the attached form with the note “Media Accreditation” at media@unecon.ru, Sorokvasha Kristina Andreevna, tel: +7 981 106-27-74.
The letter should include the full name, name of the media, date and place of birth, passport data (series, number, place of registration), a list of carry-on equipment, contact numbers.
Please note that the entrance to the Presidential Library for journalists is carried out only by prior request and upon showing a passport through entrance № 2.