The Presidential Library’s Poetry Club to award the winners of the virtual poem contest
March 16, 2019 the winners of the virtual poem contest on the historical theme "I will call any of the centuries ..." will be awarded at 16:00 in the electronic reading room of the Presidential Library on Senate Square, 3. The event will feature works of the best authors, as well as a concert.
The contest was held from January 2 to February 6, 2019 in the official group of the Presidential Library’s Poetry Club in VKontakte social network. There were two nominations: “Russian history in modern poetry” (poems dedicated to any events and figures of Russian history) and “Each of us is history” (poems dedicated to family history, memories of close people and significant contemporaries).
According to the results of the contest, ten best poems were identified: five authors-winners in each nomination. So, the nomination "Russian history in modern poetry" was won by poets Natalya Kolmogorova (Samara), Vera Dordi (Novosibirsk), Nikolai Rogalyov (Ulan-Ude), Zarina Bikmullina (Moscow) and Nina Zhiltsova (St. Petersburg). The nomination “Each of us is history” was won by Galina Semizarova (Ryazan), Ekaterina Kartavtseva (Tula), Valentina Osipova (St. Petersburg), Nikolai Rogalyov (Ulan-Ude) and Yury Yannikov (Bakhchisarai).
The participants of the virtual contest touched upon different periods of national history in their works, touched both the light and the tragic pages of it. Many poems dedicated to the Great Patriotic War were presented - the poets recalled famous heroes, their relatives and friends who defended our country from the enemy. In total, more than 100 authors from 47 locations in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and the Czech Republic took part in the contest.
The jury of the contest composed of Alexey Balakin, Senior Researcher of the Pushkin Studies Department of the IRLI RAS, Head of the Electronic Resources Department of the Moscow Provincial Universal Library (Regional Center of the Presidential Library) Dmitry Kikot, Head of the Regional Center of the Presidential Library in the Pushkin Omsk State Regional Library Yury Tishkov, writer, poet, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Grigory Khubulava, head of the Presidential Library’s Poetry Club Maria Bishokova.
The regional centers of the Presidential Library in Moscow Region, Penza, Ryazan, Tambov, Omsk, Rostov Region, Kemerovo, the Republic of Crimea and the Republic of Komi provided active informational support to the event.
Accreditation for awarding winners of the contest for media representatives is available until 15:00 March 15, 2019.
Please forward applications for accreditation following the attached form with the note “Media Accreditation” at media@prlib.ru, bazanov@prlib.ru, Denis Bazanov, tel. (812) 305-16-21, ext. 781; mob. +7 981 170-67-90. It is necessary to specify the full name, name of the media, date and place of birth, passport data (series, number, place of registration), a list of carry-on equipment, contact numbers.
Please note that the admittance of journalists to the Presidential Library is carried out only by prior request and upon showing a passport through the entrance № 2.