The Presidential Library to host the Live Classics International Pedagogical Forum
The Presidential Library will become one of the main venues for the 4th Live Classics International Pedagogical Forum. The forum will take place in St. Petersburg on September 20-23 and bring together teachers, librarians and representatives of education departments from all regions of Russia, as well as foreign guests from 60 countries of the world.
Live Classics is the largest forum in Russia and one of the world's largest contests of young readers, which every year brings together more than 2.5 million schoolchildren from 85 regions of our country and 80 other states.
The forum will be inaugurated on September 20 at 10 a.m. in the historic building of Synod at Senate Square, 3. Marina Smirnova, President of the Live Classics Contest of Young Readers Foundation, will deliver the keynote speech focused on the results of the work and future plans of the Live Classics project.
At the meeting in the Presidential Library, experts will discuss the state policy on literature teaching and reading promotion. As part of roundtable discussions they will talk about the organization of the contest of young readers in the regions of Russia and abroad.
Tatyana Vladimirova, Vice-Rector for Public Relations of the Moscow Pedagogical University, Director of the Institute of Journalism, Communications and Media Education of this university, will share her experience in reading promotion.
Yevgeny Kuzmin, Chairman of the Russian Committee of the UNESCO Information for All Programme, President of the Interregional Centre for Library Cooperation, will deliver the report “Promotion of Reading in Russia and in the World: Success and Disappointment”. Andrei Maksimov, a famous journalist, writer, radio and television presenter, will share his ideas about education.
The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia will become the venue for the forum’s events on September 21-22, and on September 23 the forum will take place at the Academy of Talents (the Kamenny Island Palace) and the Media Arts Centre (Lafonskaya St., 5).
The Live Classics International Pedagogical Forum is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and is funded by the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society provided by the Presidential Grants Foundation.
The general partner of the project is Nornikel company, the general sponsor is Prosveshcheniye group of companies. The forum is funded by the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Media.
Partners of the forum are: the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, the Moscow Pedagogical University, the Presidential Library, the Boris Shchukin Theatre University.
Everyone will have an opportunity to take part in the forum’s key events: online broadcast will be available on the website of the contest, on the Presidential Library’s portal, on the Presidential Library’s official VKontakte page and on YouTube video hosting website.
In addition, information is available via VKontakte Live Classics Contest of Young Readers Foundation group and Live Classics Pedagogical Forum group.
For additional information, please contact the forum’s Press Secretary Marina Averina: +7 (913) 377-04-79, press6@youngreaders.ru and the Head of the Press Office of the Live Classics Foundation Yekaterina Barbanyage: + 7 (951) 679-59- 08, press5@youngreaders.ru.