Pavel Glazkov’s films dedicated to the World Animal Day to be shown in the Presidential Library

4 October 2019

On October 4, 2019 at 3 p.m. the Presidential Library will hold the Cinema Club meeting dedicated to the World Animal Day. On this day the audience will meet with Pavel Glazkov, a naturalist, PhD in Biology, who runs “Two of Every Kind” video blog, which is about animals living in Leningrad region. His motto is love for nature through learning. The program features four film premieres.

The film The Faithful Father of Gatchina Park presents a touching story that happened on Lake Beloye (White Lake) in the palace park in Gatchina: a female mute swan died tragically, and a widowed male took care of an orphaned cygnet.

Viewers of the film The Blue Underwing (Catocala fraxini L.) will find themselves on a summer meadow and see a beautiful butterfly hovering above it. Its life is short - a little longer than a month. This is one of the largest night butterflies in Europe, listed in the Red Data Book of Leningrad Region.

The short film The Wasp Waist of the White Sea Ecosystem presents a research focused on a three-spined stickleback conducted by scientists of the Department of Ichthyology and Hydrobiology of the Faculty of Biology of St. Petersburg State University. (The film was shot at the university’s biological station - Sredniy Island in the White Sea).

The film Elks in Rut spotlights the mating season of elks, which lasts from September to October. Viewers will find out that elk males searching for mates can cover dozens and sometimes even hundreds of kilometers and also learn how to find the place of rut in the forest.

The meeting of the Cinema Club will be held in the Multimedia Hall of the Presidential Library at Senate Square, 3.

Please call 305-16-35; 8 (921) 594-16-13 or e-mail: Smolina Yelena until October 3, 2019 10 a.m. to confirm your attendance and send personal information for admission to the Presidential Library.

Accreditation for media representatives is until 11 a.m. October 3, 2019.

Please e-mail applications for accreditation following the attached form with “Media accreditation”, Alexandra Khudyakova, tel.: (812) 305-16-21, ext. 167; mob. +7 981 788-28-08.

The letter should feature the name, date and place of birth, passport data (series, number, place of registration), a list of carry-on equipment, contact numbers.

The admission to the Presidential Library is possible only by prior registration and upon showing a passport: participants and guests of the event go through entrance No 1, media representatives go through entrance No 2.