The Presidential Library’s Academic Council Meeting

10 October 2019

The 18th regular Academic Council Meeting will be held on October 10, 2019 at 10 a.m. in the Presidential Library. The meeting will focus on the key areas of the Presidential Library Development Strategy for the period until 2025, as well as the formation of the principles for the development of the regional network of the Presidential Library.

By tradition, the October meeting of the Academic Council will focuses on the experience and prospects for further integration of electronic digital resources of libraries, archives and museums.  The recommendations on organizing new partnership projects in the field of culture, education, science and enlightenment will be outlined. In particular, the meeting participants will consider the issue of holding a competition of student works (projects) using the information resources of the Presidential Library.

Director General of the Presidential Library is supposed to deliver his speech, as well as members of the Academic Council, including video-conferencing mode from a number of Russian cities.

More information on the activities of the Academic Council are available on the Presidential Library’s portal.