Mikhail Kalashnikov: “I have been beaten many times. And each time I expressed gratitude for the future victory”

12 November 2019

November 12, 2019 at 16.00, the Presidential Library will host a cinema club meeting dedicated to the centenary birthday of Mikhail Kalashnikov. The co-organizer of the event is the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineering and Signal Corps. The program of the event provides for the viewing and discussion of the film by Rasim Poloskin “Kalashnikov. A Man and an Assault Rifle".

This film tells about the immensity of the human soul, the talent of an inventor who can prove himself in the most unexpected circumstances, and the strength of the human spirit, which is stronger than any weapon.

Mikhail was the seventeenth child born in the Kalashnikov family. At school, he was engaged in the invention of the perpetual motion machine and approached this dream so much that the physics teacher began respectfully calling him by his first name and patronymic. And then there was the relocation of the family to Siberia, to the Taiga station. Father, unable to withstand a long journey, he died of consumption.

When the Great Patriotic War broke out, the very young Mikhail volunteered for the front. He was greatly shell-shocked during a counterattack near Bryansk and miraculously survived. Then the wounded Soviet soldier, who fought against a formidable enemy with a rifle, decided ​​to create weapons superior to the German Schmeissers. He created an assault rifle..

“I followed a difficult thorny path”, - says Mikhail Timofeevich in Poloskin’s film. - I have been beaten many times. And each time I expressed gratitude for the future victory”.

The AK-47 assault rifle, created by Mikhail Kalashnikov, became a weapon that, throughout the second half of the 20th century, has more than once turned the course of world history in different parts of the world. Mikhail Kalashnikov himself always believed that weapons could save the world. The main thing is that it shoots as rarely as possible.

The cinema club will take place in the multimedia hall of the Presidential Library at the address: Senate Square, 3.


Accreditation of media representatives is until 11:00 November 12, 2019.

Please forward applications for accreditation following the attached form to the email address: media@prlib.rupechnikova@prlib.ru,, Tatyana Pechnikova, press-service of the Presidential Library, tel. (812) 305-16-21, ext. 534; mob +7 921 436 72 86.