Considering Vladimir Strugatsky’s film “Latitudes of Arthur Chilingarov” at the Presidential Library’s cinema club meeting

27 November 2019

November 27, 2019 at 16:00 the Presidential Library will host a cinema club meeting dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the scientist-oceanologist, researcher of the Arctic and Antarctic Artur Chilingarov. Vladimir Strugatsky’s documentary “Latitude of Arthur Chilingarov” about the polar explorer № 1, who led many expeditions, the first man to reach the bottom of the Arctic Ocean at a pole point at a depth of 4261 meters, will be shown. He is a Hero of the Soviet Union, a Hero of Russia, a State Duma deputy, first vice-president of the Russian Geographical Society, a doctor of geographical sciences, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. According to Vladimir Strugatsky, the hero of his film does not like dividing on positions and ranks: he offers to represent him simply as "a polar explorer Arthur Chilingarov".

A lot of interesting things can be said about the author of the film, Vladimir Strugatsky: journalist, writer, cinematographer, and also vice president of the Association of Polar Explorers, a member of several expeditions and the polar "chronicler".

The biography of Vladimir Strugatsky includes more films than books (about a hundred) and the vast majority of them is about polar explorers. For example, several films were made about one of the directors of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute Alexei Treshnikov, about the legendary polar explorer and long-time friend of the author Arthur Chilingarov, about the pioneer of the Norilsk deposits, geologist Nikolai Urvantsev.

“I still have an enthusiastic, almost childish look at these people”, - the documentarian says in one of his numerous interviews. - The more I get to know them, the more I want to write about them, make films about them and tell them. My goal is to keep generations of such people in the memory of the majority.

We invite you to participate in the event, ask a question or express your opinion on the results of watching the documentary "Latitudes of Arthur Chilingarov". We look forward to an interesting, informative dialogue. In addition, the event will be available live on the Presidential Library’s portal.

The cinema club will take place in the multimedia hall of the Presidential Library at Senate Square, 3.

Please confirm your participation in the event until 10:00 November 26, 2019 by sending information to enter the Presidential Library by e-mail: (see the attached file) or by phone: 305-16-35; mob. 8 (921) 594-16-13 Elena Viktorovna Smolina.

Accreditation for media representatives is until November 26, 2019 15:00.

Please forward applications for accreditation following the attached form to Alexandra Khudyakova (press service of the Presidential Library) by e-mail:, tel. (812) 305-16-21, ext. 167; mob. +7 (981) 788-28-08. The letter should contain the full name, name of the media, date and place of birth, passport data (series, number, place of registration), a list of carry-on equipment, contact numbers.

Please note that the access to the Presidential Library is possible only upon prior request and upon showing a passport: participants and guests of the event go through entrance № 1, media representatives go through entrance №2.